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akira June 28, 2021 9:09 pm

I thought I'd give a spoiler if anyone wants to know rougjly what happens.


The suspicious girl with tha black panther is actually the current saintess who wanted to see which one of the candidates was suitable with her own eyes. So she's not a villain.
The Fl is not the first to discover the door they are searching for, instead the one that does find it first goes home and basically says she saw that she was not the saintess.
At one point there is a bit of a mess with some sort of mana stone attack thing or whatever and the saintess, still disguised as a candidate gets injured.
While the saintess is sort of, almost dead, there is an imposter who pretends to be that saintess (spoiler: it was a candidate from the previous saintess selection that failed).
Both the fl and her dragon get imprisoned, however whan they escaped the dragon starts being weird and ends up finding the fls door. That door is a mirror that can see through a disguise but breaks afterwards. She uses it on the fake saintess, but with that her door breaks.
That doesn't really matter though because there is a second one for some reason and at that point it becomes a pretty much a fact that our fl would be the next saintess

    Milkyss September 14, 2023 9:16 pm

    From where did you read it?

    Milkyss September 14, 2023 9:16 pm

    It's been so long so it's okay if you don't remember it

    akira September 17, 2023 3:16 pm
    From where did you read it? Milkyss

    I think it was on foxaholic.com

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