So he made her miserable in every possible way but she must consider his little non existing feelings and stay miserable and bear the talk about a divorced empress and infertile woman and bla bla
And someone shuts that trashta's trap for real woman aren't u basically the one who made the emperor cheats on his woman first? Then came pretending u just want a secure life but everytime u become greedier and greedier accusing ppl and framing and lying and making everything possible while justifying it by u want to live happy but when it concerns navier she is ruthless and inconsiderate and i don't know what? What logic is this? Rotting piece of trash u even tgrow her of her position which she lived her life for it just because u r greedy and u want her to do nothing? I can't wait to see you ruin the empire with that trashy head of urs plz ruin the empire and make ppl curse u and that stupid emperor of urs and make them realize the greatness of navier.
On another page can we appreciate heinley more and more? Look at happy baby face i can't stop grinning
I hope he can give that emperor and those knights that surrounded the residence a piece of his mind i really need them to realize what they r doing why don't they understand? And they r still blaming and criticizing navier aaaaaaaaa my blood is boiling

Since it will be a while before we know our ciel's real name give us some names that could fit for fun XD

This is what I got, could be wrong. Our Ciel is Sirius, but he is not the guy getting blood from the blood bank, that's evil Ciel. Evil Ciel was playing the part of Lord Sirius, but when the crimes and murders started coming to light, Evil Ciel framed our Ciel/Sirius. Our Ciel is Sirius, but he is being framed for things Evil Ciel did under his name. I hope I'm not remembering incorrectly

Sirius A is a bright blue star in the constellation, Canis Major. If you find the three stars that form Orien's belt and follow with your eyes downward in a straight line toward the horizon, you'll find Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. Canis Major is said to be one of Orien's two hounds who chase souls across the night sky.
Sirius, might be recognized as associated with Anubis the dog-headed god, Hermes, Mercury, and the angel Gabriel.
The star, Sirius A is half of a binary. Sirius B is a tiny white dwarf. I believe they make a full revolution around one another every 50 years if I remember correctly.

Ok if the real tsukasa vanishes when he was 4 who the hell is the one we know? I mean he aged and loves amane anthe same except he is crazy
And remember when yashiro went to the past and met amane he told her he is waiting (for tsukasa obviously) and he gets violent when things don't go his way or something i don't remember so even we say another yokai who looks like tsukasa is the tsukasa we know but he loves amane remember hanako was so surprised to see him and they don't really get along so there is more to the story and i wonder how amane became hanako he said there was an agreement or a promise or something (in the first chapters) and why is he accused of killing tsukasa(even if we consider this chapter it's weird to be that intense ) and that knife has a story i'm sure XD

So i take a mistress and make her pregnant who is a slave and has a child with another man she keeps lying to me and i know that people hate her and she is dumb as hell creating problems right and left just for her own satisfaction while she attacks my empress who served the nation well and has been together with me supporting each other since childhood and no one has the right to complain and they must accept and love her because i do while my empress isn't allowed to even exchange letters with another man because she is my wife and i am her husband and even if i shower my lover with love and neglect her she doesn't have the right to be angry with me or hate my mistress she must accept and support me and her and so since her brother is not understanding this i will send him away and my empress shouldn't get mad and keeps treating me like usual and i won't allow that letters exchange so i will shot the birds and send them as food because i know how to threaten people but my empress should understand and should always be on my side and appreciate my happiness and my mistress's happiness and even if i know that my mistress is making faults she is naive soni should blame the empress instead because she is supposed to understand oh and after all this let's send her a burd so that she appreciates me who is with another woman more than the one who is carring about her and let's do everything we could do to hide all the mistress's flaws so that she take the empress's place and i expect her to wait for me and live for me and love only me and do everything just for me so i will make gmher the empress again and who cares about what she is going through or feeling?
Manaka r u serious? She is still her best friend when she bullies her but when suzuki busts her it's not good
And what were u goung tobsay after they will never? They will never forgive her? They will never become friends again? They will never be able to escape what they did and solve things peacefully? Who cares!!! They deserve it they will be bullied back by others ignored and teeated harshly let them drink from the same cup
For aizawa i think he is trying to let suzuki (the father) know about his daughter's bullying (for what he is doing right now it already became known in the whole school) and since his daughter is precious to him je will be shocked she may even end up hating him if she knew that he bullied aizawa that badly and told him that the one being bullied is the one at fault so imagine the girl hearing her dear father saying those things about what she had to go through it will mess his life and teach him a lesson (maybe) and that's aizawa's revenge