His eyes stood out more on the previous skintone, I will say it was sorta blue/greyish so y'know fish colour, making it viable that he went more regular tan in human form, like Shrek not being green as a human, but still wish he was a biiiit more dark, like at least 5 shades darker
All the vagina and womb terms for a guy is really taking me out, reminds me of a fanfic I read ages ago that called the guys dick an enlarged clit... Like pls just call it dick ass and balls I can't
His eyes stood out more on the previous skintone, I will say it was sorta blue/greyish so y'know fish colour, making it viable that he went more regular tan in human form, like Shrek not being green as a human, but still wish he was a biiiit more dark, like at least 5 shades darker