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HolyMary February 20, 2025 11:37 am

Okay first and foremost, this is great, the art is beautiful and the whole transmigation arc is not like the others, yes we got the clichè, where transmigator suddenly becomes the target of the main characters, however it truly feels like it's because of her merits and quick thinking skills. Second of all, i really appreaciate the author for not making this a fluffy love story, as we can see mc felt some affection to the emperor, however she, as probably most of us, couldn't look past that the ml could kill anyone and anywhere simply for his satisfaction. Would anyone believe from such a man, who enjoys hurting other people for fun, that he loves them. Lastly, i see a lot of complaints about the mc being spineless, but in my humble opinion, she is one of the most 3d and human like characters i've ever seen. As creatures with thinking, we fear a lot of things especially dying, so of course she feels fears the emperor, it's even highlighted why would anyone enjoy living a fairytale dream that's not real, she needed to wapk on eggshells all the time. And let's not forget that when you are presented with the task of killing another human and you are painfully aware, that they are inhumanely stronger than you, of course you'd feel not up to the task.
To conclude, i love the story for being a bit more realistic that were pumped out in recent years and how we actually face moral dillemas , especially how it's portrayed through mc.

HolyMary April 12, 2024 1:21 pm

Recently i noticed a trend in these types of stories where sa is weirdly justified? I mean this story could have these dark themes if the main guy (i don't know their names) got to live a good life with his brother without the blond, show casing how he overcame this sort of trauma. But instead it's justified because he sorta likes the blond??? LIKE BABES there was no redemption he is still doing what he pleases and while this is fiction in the real life it would be a horror story. Your abuser controls your life, then you live with him and eventually the stockholm syndrome just kicks in, so you get the happily ever after? I follow this story for a long time but the more i read the more deppressing it seems.

    SugaDNA April 12, 2024 1:25 pm

    I feel the Same. I just end up fast scrolling cause the CONSTANT amount of sex or what not is becoming something I don't want to keep reading. Like yes it's Yaoi yes its smut, but still there's a plot so give us STORY give us a few chapters where they aren't getting RAW dogged for multiple chapters

    HolyMary April 12, 2024 1:31 pm
    I feel the Same. I just end up fast scrolling cause the CONSTANT amount of sex or what not is becoming something I don't want to keep reading. Like yes it's Yaoi yes its smut, but still there's a plot so give u... SugaDNA

    EXATCLY!!!! At this point i've read smut with more character development and, in general, common sense than here, and it's really sad. I've created this illiusion that maybe it will get better, but it just doesn't the only thing that changed from the start is that now the story is progressing nowhere and we just get porn.

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