He also looks like he lost his will to live, like he doesn't care what's gonna happen next, this hurts real bad they both were mentally harmed :"((
all the boys are hella sexy, how the heck can they be super hot like that! it's hard to choose only one of them!plus guys not sure if anyone talked about her girl friend, but I think I have a crush on her as well lol
why do I even bother continuing even after knowing the endgame! torturing myself? enjoying the pain? I'm not sure anymore but this shit hurt
Whhhhhy????? What will happen? Is he gonna reject him?
He'll end up with that Karam guy...
I'm gonna stop this... It's too much for my heart to take
I decided the same like twice lol , only to find myself reading the update, I still can't let go I have nothing against Karam I love him, but not ending with him :'(
10000000% agree
He also looks like he lost his will to live, like he doesn't care what's gonna happen next, this hurts real bad
they both were mentally harmed :"((