I wonder when they'll actually start the story... Cuz it feels so dry like what have I even read....
Two college students, in desperate need of money, start working at the Lezhin secret club. Their pa...
- Author: Keunjo man
- Genres: Webtoons / Bara(ML) / Yaoi / Adult / Mature / Smut / Anthology / Fetish / SM/BDSM/SUB-DOM Webtoons Anthology Fetish SM/BDSM/SUB-DOM
Arthur is such a chad I hope he tells his fam to fuck off and ditches them lol
Aww thats awful he's doesn't even look like he's trying to pick her up just a simple hello but whatever lady
If I heard Hazel the ex of my friend was trying to get his number I'd be like sucks to suck dude he's taken and your ass sure AF ain't gonna get his number from me or anyone else so fuck off (blocks)
Then I'd tell all close friends and relatives I know to block that desperate fuck
Eyra Critical hit when he was on the ground showing those scaly abs
Maybe hes calm because there's no confirmed threat and it could've been that Eugene escaped on his own? Idk I'd like to believe that maybe bro was like naw they wouldn't hurt Eugene but .... Who knows
NGL kinda imagined Nahan to have much darker skin and definitely not that hair texture
I cannot tell you how many times I rolled my eyes. He really is such a pathetic top, he can't man up to his mistakes and cries everytime shit doesn't go his way.
I can't believe I gave this 5 stars when I first read it.
??? Why's this dumb fuck going off on the guide? Like yeah I get your bs on the commander he's a piece of shit but the mc didn't do shit to you. Grow up you piece flaccid baloney.
Yousuke keeps plenty busy with his job as a model. Due to certain circumstances, he has to work with...
- Author: Migino yagi
- Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Drama / Romance / Slice of Life Drama Romance Slice of Life
Can you fuck off you snake bitch. You're such an embarrassment
I'm excited to see how he does in the capital I have a feeling shit is gonna get complicated