The ending had me dying he left then came back in like nothing happened
Omg that bitchhow date he kiss Seunghyun!!! and Hojun saw it to were not getting anywhere with them because of this dude
My heart hurts so much I'm crying. I feel so bad I want him to be happy so bad and be with McQueen again. I want them to be a happy couple again this story is so sad now
Just saying Phermone Shower has updated chapters of this manhwa
Can we please get Jordyn a drink of, COMMON SENSE!!!!! PLEASE! It's obvious Owen wants Jordyn, and Simon is just a snake. Like come ON JORDYN!!!
So idk if anyone remembers when he said, that was the first and last time in the house, but it really got me thinking that he might actually die
The ending had me dying he left then came back in like nothing happened