the caste heaven one was already translated before cocobees disbanded. :( ... i miss them already anway its in the caste haven manga on mangago chapter 10.5 - http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/caste_heaven/bt/c7070486110df93a/Ch105/pg-1/

They can never let a hero just die of old age. Anyway I hope Naruto/Sasuke are not dead.. Though many forums claim the whole damn family died even the little sister. U can just shun them to the side nd focus on boruto and the new kids but cmon now.
Ugh idk im not feeling the art but it is what it is. They may have wanted to kill them off to prove that the era is done. Nd no more naruto anything will be made. Boruto was a brat in the beginning but if the first few pages of the manga are of what is to come then we can see he had matured and has the same fight in him that his dad had.
It is 15 years of naruto cut us all some slack md stop being bit teenage babies. we arent going to say oh hey let's accept him dying and move on.

why do they want Ryuuzaki's woman? are they still trying to force his hand? :/ i wonder if yashiro knows about their intentions [dont shoot me im tryna recollect my memories]. anyone want to actually talk about the plot with me? lmaooo

Not like it's gonna work since we all know Yashiro is his real woman

what was the point of the girl lying to Shun about his parents? [besides the getting him to see them part] i feel she has a hidden agenda (or not). was she sorta trying to set Shun up and try to make him marry her? i only say this cause of her reaction when she saw them both there and how she slapped poor mio when he opened the door as if she was angry he even came. i couldve have interpreted this wrong

And she's mad at Shun because she wasn't expecting to see him (wasn't prepared mentally) plus the whole thing with the kiss (which is why Mio got slapped)
not the ending i was expecting buttttt.. over all im just so pleased with how the releases came out. it was like BAM BAM BAM BAMM.. lmaoo Good job guys u worked hard ...arigatou gozaimashita!!
Any chance you and your fantastic team might review and perhaps finish kuroneko kareshi no aishikata? Thanyou for all the work done completing this volume