I’m glad we are going the route of ‘Hikaru’ truly being an incomprehensible, monstrous, chaotic entity, that has never had and has no purpose, all of this was just some random stuff. I’m tired of humanizing monsters, and oh they feel too, just like us humans omgggg, they’re just like us, NAHHHH gimme ‘Hikaru’ the mimic, the walking corpse, the entity, the entity with no human desires or feelings because it is so so different, even if ‘Hikaru’ seems like he has such desires and feelings it’s always slightly different and unrelatable because it simply isn’t possible to relate to a fully random chaotic entity whose concepts of death, love, intimacy, and relationships aren’t even on the same plane as ours. Though I am sad the story has lost a little bit of the magic from the beginning that only comes from deep dark haunting grieving longing and love, unrequited or otherwise.

You say that yet your hands are closed loosely behind your back without an ounce of resistance. What a beautiful portrayal of emotional and physical vulnerability.

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of Talk Dirty to Me

It feels like we just scratched the surface, like this was s2 and we have 3 more seasons to go, geez, this is sad

It’s basically love thy neighbor with a semi appropriate age gap. Gayoung is Doyeon and pink hair is Jinjoo.

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of Bound to Be

Poor Yuri, that kid… Got sexually assaulted and has to take it and literally has no rights in the household and gets regularly beaten and no one will help him.

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of In Between

I’m on Ch 4 and the man just kissed someone and that someone wanted to make plans to go eat with him and someone else and now this man is saying he has no one??? And girl is just letting herself be walked all over????????? Is this going to be the entire vibe? I Ma not into it at all

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of Bound to Be

I hope younger bro never talks to him ever fucking again. I bet Seojin wouldn’t care though. Why the fuck is he blaming his psycho parents’ mistakes on his kid brother? The resentment is unreal, younger bro has known Seojin dislikes, resents, and blames him from the start. There was never a time he didn’t know and he still loves, cherishes, and looks up to him. Also the more I read the more confused I am as to why Yoonhee is so hung up on his highschool boyfriend to the point he would let go of his entire cult/family/snake god to be with him in the present. On the other hand it makes sense because Seojin was the only non cult relationship he ever had and Yoonhee is a victim of the snake god cult, a cult which actually does have a real snake god deity!!!

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of Dark Fall

Just, someone, beat the shit out of everyone other than Leon and Cliff, pls. I hope he never ever ever falls for Negral. Ever. I hope he doesn’t get pregnant, what kind of fresh hell

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of ARTS MANZ

I hope Dochan is not endgame. I hope he ends up uth someone who loves him and is not ambivalent. Also why tf did the author write a character who is so self sacrificial because honestly this isn’t a multi year relationship where Dochan is so attached he’d let himself be all walked over, the man is diving into this on purpose, it’s only been like two weeks he can leave, no harm no fowl. He’s putting himself in this situation. I hate the MC.

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of Love Sick Dog

I’m getting kind of annoyed, Whats stopping him from not being dependent on these brothers???? He has the bartending license, he can move to another town and get a job. He isn’t a 16 year old kid or smth, why does he want to refer to himself as a kitten or a dog or a cat. Bro you’re a 25 year old man. Come on

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of Bound to Be

Wow, Seojin is a fucking asshole, nice to see your younger brother have to be more emotionally mature and be more emotionally in tune and have to gauge your emotions and intentions without you ever telling them so they don’t have to feel hurt every time you say something to them

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of Bound to Be

Wow, what the fuck Yoonhee. This is some majorly fucked up shit, I can’t believe he agreed to mur- I mean curse the brother. And no, Seojin’s little bro, he won’t do the same for you so please, don’t do this for him.

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of Peach Sorbet

WHAT THE FUCK Yujin was literally a plot device that existed for conflict, wdym he will be fulfilled by being a third wheel for the rest of his life???? Dude is an extremely handsome doctor, the author should have shown that he had fully moved on and has a gf/wife of his own, I hate this gaaaah

Oooooooo Haesol’s abandonment issues are going to crazyyy

toastyBooksAndTea created a topic of ARTS MANZ

I hated that dream, a dream sequence like this occurred in Anti P.T. also and it really left a bad taste in my mouth. How can you win your person’s affection you ask black haired dude? All I can say is that you are hotter than red head, and sweeter, that’s all I can say. Red head just has history with MC. I actually cannot find the appeal for MC at all at this point in the story damn.

Undeveloped chest?????????? What the actual fuck is with this description???????????????? How even is this josei??? I ain’t reading this bullshit just based off of this blurb, how horrible