toastyBooksAndTea November 13, 2024 7:34 am

He just doesn’t really care that much about Cirrus, I mean he cares but not to any degree that’s really significant, Skylar you disappoint me. Also why is he talking about that “fateful day” as if it happened a year ago and not like two days ago????

    fenisme November 13, 2024 9:24 am

    aa for the "fateful day" i actually think it's just a translation issue. l*zhinus official translations unfortunately tend to be.. questionable sometimes. they're not always accurate and have a lot of mistakes so yeah

    Nobodyhome November 13, 2024 6:44 pm
    aa for the "fateful day" i actually think it's just a translation issue. l*zhinus official translations unfortunately tend to be.. questionable sometimes. they're not always accurate and have a lot of mistakes ... fenisme

    The fateful day is actually OK this time around. The word was chosen in such a way to be more impactful

    Nobodyhome November 13, 2024 6:50 pm

    Also Skylark cares about Cirrus in fact in the very next chapter he will start chasing after him!!

    toastyBooksAndTea November 14, 2024 2:00 am
    Also Skylark cares about Cirrus in fact in the very next chapter he will start chasing after him!! Nobodyhome

    Damn, it’s not a time skip???? Why can’t they let this relationship die???? Cirrus is so desperate, any minuscule step Skylar takes will win him over

    fenisme November 14, 2024 12:09 pm
    Damn, it’s not a time skip???? Why can’t they let this relationship die???? Cirrus is so desperate, any minuscule step Skylar takes will win him over toastyBooksAndTea

    nah in the newest chapter cirrus has actually been avoiding skylar for almost a month now lmao

toastyBooksAndTea November 6, 2024 4:48 pm


toastyBooksAndTea October 30, 2024 2:58 am

This is for the best. I hope they never end up together. Also, Skylar, after the shit you said what makes you think you had the right to go see him??????? Leave him alone and continue your creepy possessive pining over a straight guy friend because as you’ve implied, you ain’t over him

    zuko October 30, 2024 3:01 am

    u expressed my frustration with skylar so well

    MamaMango666 October 30, 2024 3:38 am

    truly, skylar has some guts to be all "aww he's gone :c" like, girl, how dare you

toastyBooksAndTea October 24, 2024 5:36 pm

That’s literal rape, what the fuck Doyeon, you disgusting piece of shit, there was no clear consent or enthusiastic consent, you can’t start touching someone and then ask if it’s ok and say you’ll only stop if they say a specific word when they are clearly uncomfortable, literally what the fuck

    Ender October 24, 2024 6:53 pm

    Yeah, its such a shame it went that route, its definitely going to be a tragedy story, I cant see a way they spin this scene to be anything other than a doom flag in the story.

toastyBooksAndTea October 18, 2024 1:33 am

Why are you all casting moral aspersions on Doyeon from seeing her background? What’s wrong with you all? Selfish???? Pretends to be a good person?????? How the fuck did you get such terrible shit from this??????????????

toastyBooksAndTea October 13, 2024 7:33 pm

Are we all forgetting the reason Cirrus could literally blackmail Skylar is because Skylar was being a creep? Just imagine you and your friend hanging out and then you find folders of pictures of yourself self collected and kept on their devices? I would vomit, I would feel disgusted, betrayed, and so scared. Because you wouldn’t think they only took those pictures innocently, you’d also think they did things with them and once you know it is like unconsensually being the subject of someone’s fantasies, which is disturbing. No, this is not the same as collecting pics of your idol, this is a person you have a close relationship with and you know personally. This is so creepy and weird. I don’t know why everyone is acting like Skylar is some saint here and has never done something wrong and Cirrus was some villain who did crazy shit to him unprompted, and that Cirrus is the only unhinged person. And finally, this is the important part, that Cirrus deserved to hear that from Skylar. He did not. I don’t know why I keep seeing comments of this over and over again, no he did not deserve to hear that and yes Skylar was an asshole and I never want them together. Since they got together, Skylar has also physically assaulted him. Like, what the fuck. Does no give a fuck about that?

    winter October 13, 2024 8:03 pm

    Wait why did i forget the real purpose on how cirrus managed to get the photos

    ali October 13, 2024 9:36 pm

    yeah and what did Cirrus do?? blackmail him, embarrass him in front of his crush by bringing ra in in the picture. breaking his heart and then suddenly falling in love and almost outing him to the fucking world. and ofc stirring trouble in chan li's relationship THAT HE HIMSELF STARTED bcs of his insecurities. Skylar has trust issues too but we don't see him pulling such bs. to me the only weird and inappropriate thing he did was the one with the photos. but even then Cirrus used it for his own intentions and not because he really cared about chan li.
    master manipulator, the kind Kendrick would rap abt

    ᴘʀɪᴍʀᴏsᴇ October 13, 2024 10:43 pm
    yeah and what did Cirrus do?? blackmail him, embarrass him in front of his crush by bringing ra in in the picture. breaking his heart and then suddenly falling in love and almost outing him to the fucking world... ali

    I just want to say that both of them are at fault and not innocent

    toastyBooksAndTea October 13, 2024 11:15 pm
    yeah and what did Cirrus do?? blackmail him, embarrass him in front of his crush by bringing ra in in the picture. breaking his heart and then suddenly falling in love and almost outing him to the fucking world... ali

    Jesus, the kind Kendrick would rap about? You just hate Cirrus. And you’re brushing over the photos thing and the physical assault, that is serious, it is violating and creepy, and the author had to work overtime in every other aspect to make Skylar sympathetic because what he did was really weird and creepy. And if he wasn’t creepy and weird Cirrus wouldn’t have any leverage, I personally would have reported Skylar if I found out, have some kind of paper trail. And the physical assault!!!!!!! Also Chan Il is allowed to have relationships, Chan Il is Cirrus’s friend and Ri-in is a precious friend to Cirrus so I truly don’t think his intentions were solely manipulative. Also he didn’t stir trouble man, he was in a really terrible situation and he needed support. Ask your girlfriend what happened not the dude you suspect who is also you’re friend, like what even is that move??????

    winter October 14, 2024 12:27 am
    yeah and what did Cirrus do?? blackmail him, embarrass him in front of his crush by bringing ra in in the picture. breaking his heart and then suddenly falling in love and almost outing him to the fucking world... ali

    I just wanted to add that skylar isn’t innocent
    Lets hold him accountable for his actions please
    Both of these characters have traumatic experiences

    Lily October 14, 2024 3:35 am
    yeah and what did Cirrus do?? blackmail him, embarrass him in front of his crush by bringing ra in in the picture. breaking his heart and then suddenly falling in love and almost outing him to the fucking world... ali

    oh pack it up skylar one dimensional fan

    fenisme October 14, 2024 6:40 pm

    meant to upvote omg totally agree with u. i feel like people forget WHY the whole story started in the first place. cause skylar was a fucking weirdo lmao

    ali October 16, 2024 7:02 pm
    Jesus, the kind Kendrick would rap about? You just hate Cirrus. And you’re brushing over the photos thing and the physical assault, that is serious, it is violating and creepy, and the author had to work over... toastyBooksAndTea

    ye exactly what Skylar did was creepy like disturbing but Cirrus decided it was time to make himself better and use it against Skyler (ofc) but also against chan li since he didn't report it, didn't tell him and in the last chapters showing how he didn't like the way chan li was being "nice" to Skylar because it reminded of himself.
    im not a Skylar fan but i sure am a cirrus hater (hater is a strong world, disliker maybe??)

    ali October 16, 2024 7:27 pm
    Jesus, the kind Kendrick would rap about? You just hate Cirrus. And you’re brushing over the photos thing and the physical assault, that is serious, it is violating and creepy, and the author had to work over... toastyBooksAndTea

    broski come on

    Chan Il is Cirrus’s friend and Ri-in is a precious friend to Cirrus so I truly don’t think his intentions were solely manipulative

    im sorry but cirrus clearly holds some kind of grudge against chan li the moment he saw him being "nice" to Skylar bcs it reminded him of himself
    and im pretty sure it is very clear that his only intentions WERE solely manipulative, bcs he wanted to show to skylar u can't do anything abt it even tho he knew it himself, he wanted to remind him of the position skylar was

    Also he didn’t stir trouble man, he was in a really terrible situation and he needed support.

    I myself, the last thing i would want when i find myself in a shit situation is having a precious friend that has been nothing but nice to me, misunderstanding the situation and thinking the worst abt me and their relationship.

    in my perspective, yes Cirrus has been through A LOT, not even knowing what its like being loved since a child. But that doesn't give a free pass to destroy those around you. Skylar isn't a saint either, but with everything Cirrus does we don't even get the chance to see that side of Skylar, only a little at the beginning. What we mostly see is Skylar knowing what love is (in a family), finding it (romantically) and being shattered by it, to the point even his family had to suffer from it. And yet here he is giving it a chance again but every damn angsty chapter is some shit cirrus stirred that is now backfiring and making Skylar afraid of being used again. Like...what even is the point ??? i just don't understand his (cirrus) intentions or what exactly he is trying to achieve

toastyBooksAndTea October 12, 2024 11:59 pm

It cuts to twenty years in the future from now and this shit is a distant memory, both of them have moved on with someone else and they’re happy, they don’t even really remember much of this time or each other, just snippets here and there of a few concrete memories, some of the emotions, because so much more life and people have been experienced after that that this is just another part. They just don’t really think about it at all because they are different people and they’ve grown, those shoes, clothes, bodies, and emotions don’t fit them anymore but like a well worn sweater their sentiments and nostalgia are somewhere to be found when they are looked for, fondly thought of, the pain no longer there, the regret already reconciled with, all that’s left is the relief and pride of having been able to get through that tough time. And now they’ve so much life yet to live with someone they each love and cherish.

    Shi October 12, 2024 11:58 pm

    How do you know that?

    toastyBooksAndTea October 12, 2024 11:58 pm
    How do you know that? Shi

    Noooo it’s best ending meaning I wish this happened, idk shit, idek what happens next ch

    Shi October 13, 2024 12:00 am

    Gurl I just read hypothetical lol

    toastyBooksAndTea October 13, 2024 12:04 am
    Gurl I just read hypothetical lol Shi

    Ohhhh nooo, no you did read right, it was best ending but after I saw your reply I was like I gotta change the title because this is probably confusing, I’m sorry for unintentionally gaslighting you

    Myllie1 October 13, 2024 12:44 am

    That'd be ideal for me. I wanted them far away from each other, all three of them

    anme.o October 13, 2024 1:09 am


toastyBooksAndTea October 12, 2024 11:11 pm

Skylar said more things that can’t be taken back, and it was brutal. I do not ship them at all, now or in the future when they are adults. I sincerely hope they never get back together. I think I’m a dumbass for starting to read this a few chs before they started getting together fr because I absolutely dislike Skylar so much.

I couldn’t read the beginning because I cringed so hard at Skylar being a creep so I skipped that shit and now where I’m at Skylar has physically assaulted Cirrus, feels like Cirrus shouldn’t have introduced Chan il to his own crush (my boy is straight, leave him alone and stop projecting your possessiveness and desire on him, this reaction to finding out is probably because of the manipulative aspect but I’m pretty sure some of that hurt and anger is because fulfilment of the crush of Chan il ), and continually says brutal things to Cirrus while also dating Cirrus while still being in love wihh th Chan il. I know Cirrus showed real sociopathic behaviour in the beginning but once again, he could only do that blackmail shit because Skylar was being a creep so idk what to think, someone help me.

    Myllie1 October 13, 2024 12:48 am

    You're absolutely correct, but because the story us told with Skylar as the protaf, many tend to sympathize with him and ignore all he did and act like Cirrus actions were umpropted and not somehow the result of skykar's own choices finally catching up with him

toastyBooksAndTea October 12, 2024 5:02 pm

Skylar said more things that can’t be taken back, and it was brutal. I do not ship them at all, now or in the future when they are adults. I sincerely hope they never get back together. I think I’m a dumbass for starting to read this a few chs before they started getting together fr because I absolutely dislike Skylar so much.

I couldn’t read the beginning because I cringed so hard at Skylar being a creep so I skipped that shit and now where I’m at Skylar has physically assaulted Cirrus, feels like Cirrus shouldn’t have introduced Chan il to his own crush (my boy is straight, leave him alone and stop projecting your possessiveness and desire on him, this reaction to finding out is probably because of the manipulative aspect but I’m pretty sure some of that hurt and anger is because fulfilment of the crush of Chan il ), and continually says brutal things to Cirrus while also dating Cirrus while still being in love wihh th Chan il. I know Cirrus showed real sociopathic behaviour in the beginning but once again, he could only do that blackmail shit because Skylar was being a creep so idk what to think, someone help me.

toastyBooksAndTea September 25, 2024 2:08 am


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