Okay just what the fuck is going on? Literally every following chapter, instead of clearing the confusion made in the previous chapter a little bit, gets more complicated! And not only that, the direction this story is taking is straight up ridiculous. Hear me out, when I first started reading this I honestly didn't think much will come out of it. I decided to give it a try anyway. But I suppose I was wrong to do so. It's full of cliches creeping at every corner and a lot of things that got brought up were never explained. For example, why did Hyunwo's mom kill Jihye? It seemed like a huge game changer at the time that chapter came out right? It seemed like Hyunwo's mom did it on purpose which would further explore the relationship between her and Jihye (and ultimately between the 3 of them, including Hyunwo as the 3rd party member). But as it appears it was probably just an accident, which is really just too convenient. I'll skip forward a bit, what's up with this whole doppelganger thing? At first I thought blondies were brothers, twins or something, but it looks like I might be wrong-- lol I'm gonna make one crazy theory when I finish ranting, wait for it. Right so all of the elements showed in the comic appear to be here just for the tragedy or "messed up story" element. >Hyunwo's mom killing her sons girlfriend
>Jimin's friend having a whole creepy room dedicated to him
>J purple dude full on showing some of those psychopath traits
>Hyunwo hanging out with Jimin just so he could talk to his dead girlfriend
>Hyunwo's mom having cancer just when things start looking better for him
Like it's just a "whose life is more messed up" competition at this point. Or even who's the most messed up character (btw it's Hyunwo, but blondie comes in close 2nd). I don't even know what to make of the story at this point> it says bl, but I don't see Hyunwo ending up with Jimin at this point. Don't get me wrong, I ship it, but Hyunwo is still too obsessed with Jihye.
I feel like the story would've worked better with some other darker and more mature artstyle.
Okay just what the fuck is going on? Literally every following chapter, ins...