The ending was very sudden but if you guys read back the last chapter before this it actually makes quite a lot of sense.
How Taichi not keeping any contact or talk with either Futaba or Masumi, but he still refers to Touma like they're still talking daily.
The image of Touma showing in the same page as Taichi's apartment/house.
Taichi said "Tadaima (I'm home)" when he got into his home, which means he's not living alone. It couldn't be his parents since he moved to the city and his parent is still staying in their hometown. Including the page where Touma was drawn right under the apartment, its a subtle hint of saying they might be living together.
Also including that page where Taichi said he met Futaba again after 5 years and he "Talked with Futaba about the future he wanted to choose." People thought that was him wanting them to be back together, but it doesnt make sense to me cuz you can't just suddenly want to go back with someone you broke up 5 years ago and never kept in contact. Also why would you talk about your own future with your 5-year-ex ? That's awkward.
But then if you read that page as "Taichi talked with Futaba about how Taichi is dating Touma, they're getting married and that will be their future", it makes much more sense.
In this chapter, Futaba, in her wedding day, said to Touma: "I want you to know THE TWO OF YOU and Masumi-chan are still my role models. I want to be like you guys and work towards the future I choose together with my husband."
Doesn't make a lot of sense how she refers to both Touma and Taichi "the two of you" but she refers to Masumi by her name. Until you realize Taichi and Touma, they married each other. And Futaba knows, and she's quite happy about it.
So I think what basically happened is after Taichi broke up with Futaba, he was depressed. Touma is clearly still into him so at one point Taichi fell for it and they started dating.That's why Taichi could never bring himself to see Futaba for all those 5 years cuz now he's dating Touma and considered gay. Then Touma suggest Taichi for the 4 of them to meet up at one point and in that meetup Taichi told Futaba everything, about the "future he chose" : to be with Touma.
The final chapter was Futaba's wedding, she greets everyone happily and said that she hope she can be strong just like her friends (Masumi being a bisexual marrying a normal man, Taichi and Touma are gays) and work on her future with her husband.
It was a good ride for me, a very fresh manga with characters development, internal coming-of-age struggles, no unnecessary drama, the romance doesn't have to be overflow with fluffy moments, but has a deep feeling to it, they all live their youth, please with their choice, and all that matter :))))))
The ending kind of rush *the lastest 2 chapters cough cough*, maybe if the author do what more he can, the story itself couldn't be serialised, but he has done an excellent job portraying how shounen can be more and more approaching serious topics
I'm looking forward to see more from him (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

there is a spin off about the BL sensei ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
It is called Afterimage slow motion, the others kinda look like hisashi tho
the link here https://twitter.com/honeymilk_BL/status/1237350016735416320/photo/3
While people talking about fornite i was like
" well the story sets in korea, so it must be some kind of game that got really popular recently, maybe PUBG, like there was a bevarage drink out of nowhere lol''