they have so many problems that they're going to have to deal with..Touya may be laughing now, but when he realizes just how serious those two's feelings are for Amano it's not going to be pretty..especially with Ruou as if Kamio wasn't enough of a headache lol..i really wish that if other warriors were reincarnated on earth they would show up already to help cause this situation isn't getting anywhere seriously

it was great up to ch. 5.. but the seme was super just ugh..and there was some unanswered questions too..like will they go after the novelist too (just super disgusting the things they had to go through)..and wtf was that explanation about Rosefield's family?? lol super random and the whole blood thing too..besides it being gross..*sigh*

Mr. Cute Friend..do you have some cute feelings for Mr. Sam??? It's been so long I totally forgot that he was doing track & field...and idk I still have mixed feelings about Min Gyeom..like I can't like him as much as I did in the beginning chapters..*shrugs* maybe it'll just take a while before he gets back in my good graces *hmmph* lol
love them now??