at first I thought it was b/c he found love and no one wanted her crazy a** that she had him killed...but it was b/c he didn't love her and felt like she was betrayed right??...ugggghhhh..and I'm surprised Ha-Jin didn't explain his situation even though crazy #2 said she wouldn't stop trying to come for him

how it is that 4 chapters were uploaded and I only got a notification for this latest one!!!! But i must say I was thoroughly excited and pleased and happy as can be..geez my chest hurts from laughing so much..and the brother deserved a kick to the face..the dad too..idc if he's under the influence or if it's his unconsciousness acting on his attachment to Rood to show that Lidusis knows who his real family is..aww i almost cried at that part lol

it never happened to me coz I checked every thursday...lol

I really don't think they slept together..i don't think they were together long enough before she realized the effects of her power and wanted to part with him...remember Zeref was this prodigy scientist or magician whatever..I think he took Mavis' DNA/cells or something before she left him and made a child..possibly for the purpose of being powerful enough to kill him..or maybe he wanted something to remember her by

Soo after all the effort Touya and Kou put into not letting the family and Jun know what's really going on..you just hand them the info w/o any thought?? Sometimes I wish he would really think before he acts..this is only going to bring more trouble

Huh? They didn't just hand anyone any info. It says right in the manga that they were giving them only pieces of the info. So I'm confused.....
but why feel the need to kill his father?? It couldn't be just b/c they wanted the watch and it's not like he's special like his son so wth..and I wonder who did that to his father's eye geez
Eric's father knows something and that his being or existence is a threat that may ruin their plan?