So based on some spoilers I've seen, this is heading into Lady and the Beast levels of misunderstandings and emotional convilutedness, so.... I'm just gonna..... let it marinate for a looooooong while.
Cuz this to me means that it's gonna be good but also painful dragged out and waiting g every week will just make my head hurt, so yeah.
Holy fuck he KEEPS living even after he dies (I mean it makes sense but still), that means he's probably already lived for longer than she has. Unless he decided to end things sooner some way, it's established that he lives to be an old man. So he could easily be over 400 years old by now.
Not only that we know that the reason it took 5 lifetimes for him to get to her was because (apart from her self exiting) the first couple of times it took home longer to remember. WHICH MEANS HE PROBABLY REMEMBERED AFTER SHE HAD ALREADY DIED.