Posting this again. Any Playboy MC/ML Bls. Where the playboy ends up falling first n gets jealous pr turns stupid with the feelings. Please do give some recc. I am starving for it.
2023-11-14 20:59 marked
Jake, Caesar, and Izmel are CIA agents working undercover. They have a boss named Rolfe (lady with the glasses). Jake and Izmel have infiltrated a gang called "the Mercifuls", and Caesar is working undercover at the garage (which she loves doing). Their goal is to take down powerful drug cartels, but there are also corrupt government officials involved, and they are working to identify which ones so they can take them down too.

With Rolfe's blessing, Jake is the one who calls the shots in their operation. His method is to set different gangs against each other so they take each other out, but no one will know the CIA is involved at all (the CIA does this in real life). When this story begins, Jake is already in the middle this mission. He helped the Mercifuls take down a Mexican cartel and was in the progress of helping them take down a Russian gang when Shin sabotaged his car with his scam, which caused Jake to be late to the Mercifuls' battle with them. And Jake is known to NEVER be late for anything. He's also known as a neat-freak, which comes into play later.

The CIA knows that the owner of the Royal Roader casino (Ross Trautvein) is a big drug dealer, so the CIA used the Mercifuls to arrange a major deal, and then secretly ruined the deal to make Ross look unreliable. Jake was hoping that by sparing the lives of the gang called "Mass" (who were the middlemen in the deal), they would testify against Ross AND the Mercifuls, but Shin's foster-brother, Gren, screwed that up by killing off his own gang members. Mass being able to testify without someone corrupt interfering had been a long-shot anyway, but Jake thought it was worth a try. Eventually, they'll build a solid case against Ross to put in him jail, but they also know that Ross is the key to identifying corrupt high-level officials and politicians, so they're working on that now.

It's believed that Jake has tendency to spare lives so he can use that later as an owed favor, or to manipulate them in case he needs a backup plan-- like pawns on chessboard, which Izmel was just musing about. He did this with Mass, and again with Gren. Apparently he did this by sparing the life of the son of the motorcycle gang leader's brother. Like a champion chess player, Jake always thinks two moves ahead.

However, there's small hints that he may have spared lives because he's not quite the cold-blooded killer he wants everyone to believe he is. Three times now, he could've killed Gren, but did not. Gren is a risky loose cannon for both Jake and Shin. It had been the plan to kill off all of Mass, but it looks like he changed his mind after seeing Gren in the back of the van. And Izmel had a suspicion that Jake spared the motorcycle gang member's son because he was a little kid.

This motorcycle gang has already been attacked by the Mercifuls in the past, so they have no love for them. The son who's life was spared now comes into play as leverage with the gang. He's going to use the motorcycle gang to take another hit on Ross.

Izmel is aware of EVERYTHING Jake does and thinks his reckless actions are going to get him killed soon. He knows about Jake's serious involvement with Shin, which has caused Jake to make small mistakes, or dangerously alter his plans: specifically, when Jake revealed his face to Ross (dressed as a cop) when he wasn't supposed to be seen. He's been late to meetings a couple of times, and on one occasion appeared in soiled clothes. Benille- a high ranking Mercifuls member and someone who is just as dangerous as Jake- is getting suspicious of Jake because he's been acting out of character, especially when Jake told him he let Gren go (smart move on his part to admit this, because Jake knows Gren will be probably stupid enough to show up yet again). Ross has always been suspicious of Jake, and it's only his fear of the Mercifuls that keeps him from doing anything right now. The motorcycle gang leader wants Jake dead, but won't act just yet. Jake is counting on using and killing him before gang leader tries to kill him. But it does sound like they want to get revenge on the Mercifuls, which could work to Jake's advantage.
2023-07-27 03:51 marked
Chapters 22 - 50 are in the PRESENT TIME. Zhan Zheng Xi is in College and Jian Yi, who has been missing for 3 years, is now back and apparently living with him(?) as he makes up high school. The only background that we're given is that Jian Yi went missing the 2nd day of his and Zhan's first year of high school.

Chapters 51+ are set in the PAST. They're a flashback to Zhan's and Jian Yi's third year of Middle School (yes they are 15 and middle schoolers so calm your horny down a notch lol). We see the build up of the friendship between the four boys and their individual relationships. Everything we're reading now is building up to their middle school graduation and eventually the day that Jian Yi disappears.

EXCEPTIONS -- Some of the SPECIAL Chapters, such as Ch. 224 - The Christmas Special, are also set in the PRESENT. Which is why we see that the boys look a bit different, and in this specific chapter Jian Yi mentions that everyone else is in college but him (bc he has to make up high school).

As things have developed I'm sure the creator probably didn't realize this would be such a BIG project or so popular so they've probably have added and developed things in the PAST chapters, that don't translate well to the PRESENT chapters ( such as Zhan's Present personality in the early chapters being a bit more snappy and irritable, while his current Past personality actually shows him be a bit more laid back and mellow). DON'T look too much into it. Just enjoy things as they develop. The author may go back and revise the Present chapters to match things up a bit more.
2021-08-28 21:46 marked
Ya all, I have some news for you guys. Admins are turning off comment sections one by one. Hold your tits and be quite, stop messing around and read your manga/hwa/huas . Creators are pointing on this websites especially on comment section so be careful what you are typing out of anger. It is being recorded, at least I have been informed abt that. Cheers
2021-07-25 01:53 marked
This is my thought. I might be way off. The two leads had to hide their relationship when they were younger, but somehow got found out and there was a scuffle and the person fell off a cliff (Jihoon). After that incident they were separated, but somehow he sends him little polaroids. The therapist is the half brother of the guy who fell off a cliff (Jigeon) and his father is involved in the mafia. The detective thinks he is the mastermind behind the drug case and also he stole the real therapists identity (he’s not Dr. Yoo Hee Joo) to get closer to our lead, Suhyeok. He is obsessed with him and I think could have had a hand in the cliff accident as well. In the previous chapters he has black hair and glasses and his brother has orange hair. I can’t seem to picture the white hair guy (Haechan) planning something, but something is going on. Someone called him back home. Jigeon called someone and flipped.

The police interrogated Su Hyeok because he works for one of the companies mentioned in the drug case and they are trying to find Jigeon. Hyeok mentions that he used to follow him around, but not that they were close. Shin Yong is the man that was arrested and he also helped Jigeon steal the Dr.’s identity (allegedly).

I think in chapter 13 they must have mixed up the names and that can be confusing.

Hopefully things are a bit clearer.
2021-07-23 02:00 marked
any list of fave CC (campus couple) yaoi or shounen ai?
2021-07-22 18:30 marked
Japanese yaoi mangas with a baby in them pleaseeeee
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
2021-07-20 23:31 marked
Any omegaverse BL with no rape and a not-delicate-and-young looking omega. Kinda like the mc from love shuttle?
2021-07-20 17:40 marked
anyone who knows this plssss tell me....there was this Boy whos life is just simple and the other guy is the other way around but one day the uke was passing the road when this fast sports car hit him and the ownee of the car is the Rich firts they dont know that theyre dead until a beautiful angel showed up and told to them that they can live but for one condition...plssss help me find this
2021-07-20 02:37 marked
any full colored BL that doesn’t have a complicated plot and mostly fluff? Thank you in advance ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
2021-07-14 20:37 marked

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