He could at least give the cake to someone else instead of throwing it away, seriously, I hâte people that waste food for petty reasons !
The first couple needs to really talk and take a breal on so many things ans mostly, go see à freaking shrink, you need professional help x)
The 2nd couple is kinda cute but the "no communication " is getting a bit old? They obviously have the same feelings for each other, you are adults, not highschoolers, just talk xD

Can the sex stop, please? :')
The art is cool
The idea is cool
It's ruined by sex every chapter like I don't care about their sex life, I want to know where it is going exactly ^^"

Most of the time, it's not the artist that want it, you obviously know nothing about this industry ^^"
And despite that, I have also the right of being tired of reading sex when I want a story and alert the people that think like me that maybe this isn't a story for them to read.
Now, have a nice day!
does someone know why this manga is on hold? I can't find anything and I know the author is not ill, so...
They’re working on other projects, its peobably abandoned or on hiatus till the other manga are finished (we really dont know)