I am confused. I don’t get it. Please someone explain

Fourth princess needs to go elsewhere bitch is delulu

bumbum created a topic of Pure Love Operation

I don’t get it anymore

Honestly I’d probably be in jail if someone spilled coffee on me. Also does anyone know who's the ml?

bumbum created a topic of Camping

Note to self never read this in public even if brightness is down

bumbum created a topic of Groan


I think it’s pretty unfair that we can see the nipple for a man, but for women, it’s either censored or nonexistent

bumbum created a topic of Love Is An Illusion


bumbum created a topic of The couple breaker

Violence is never the answer, but in this case, bitch needs a sucker punch or something. She ruined a relationship as "business." I was lowkey hoping that the red-headed girl and the bob-headed boyfriend would meet and maybe fall in love.

bumbum created a topic of The Tale of Oshin

So is she really old or really young because I’m confused

It’s that time of the month….i need to let some tears out

Wait so I’m confused. Are they in love with her because black haired dude is her step bro come on

bumbum asked a question

Jesus Christ y’all I’m glad it’s back, I was crying

bumbum created a topic of One Day, Suddenly, Seoul Is

THE CATS NO, THE POOR BABIES OMG I am now scared to touch my pets......

Maybe this is my sign to drop it. I’m so confused

bumbum created a topic of Omega Bus Stop

What the fuck happened to the omega in the third story. Did he die? Also was he technically using him only for breeding because that’s what it seems like

There really isn’t much of a growth to the FL. Yes there was a little bit and I understand she’s been a doormat basically her entire life, but how is she not gonna let her knight tell the emperor. Girl

bumbum created a topic of Rocket Science Love

Can someone give me the raws please? I just wanna know if the redhead ever gets in relationship with the Mc and if they live happily ever after