I'm sick and tired of this, women having to hang onto every little glimmer of hope waiting like a fool getting your hopes up trying so hard and for what?? As usual she'll be the one who has to forgive him be patient with him and understanding and meanwhile suffer in silence. I'm just tired of the imbalance in the relationships in these comics which is reflected in real life too, I don't even feel like watching the unfolding into forgiveness and getting closer cause of it trope until he decides to retract and be cold and harsh again at whatever his whim... And as far as cold dukes go this one is considerate compared to some I've read, but the imbalance in selfishness is real and it's not up to women to gently coax and teach and be tugged along by all of them until they're finally ready to be loving... This specific plot aside, but even this could be handled better by author, what just because he's better than her abusive ex which is all she's ever known then let's normalize and accept and be grateful for everything at all..? I know I know he's not that bad, but let's think a little bit more about the roles we expect men and women to almost always have. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

That "Ted Talk" make me me laugh. But yeah I do agree with you and I understand your anger. I've seen the more worse selfish and ego character that the duke but still.. the duke stupidity make me bang my head to the wall. He got no one to teach him about love but WHY NOT SHOW EFFORT to learn my dear duke. He didn't even consider about knowing the song. I wish I could smack his head

Sameee, it's just..ugh. But it's really the same with yaoi. The 'female part' (sorry if that's a wrong/bad term) in the relationship always has to suffer sh*t and still just runs after their man until he finally realizes he actually likes that person and is so gracious to apologize for all his mistreatments... Idk if that's supposed to show they're a 'real man' or something, but it's just a fricking sh*tty concept.

Agreed, but see you identified it yourself that’s why we call it the “female part’ because it’s written that way that’s what they keep showing again and again is what ‘female’ behaviour is like; doormat, and I think it gives a really negative image to guys themselves imagine constantly being made out a mindless emotionless jerk, it’s not wild beast x submissive omega that’s not how the world works

Or was there not a whisper of foreshadowing til now before whipping this Yona thing out( ̄へ ̄)

Sure! Google will be better but I’ll try, like a ‘shadow’ (barely there, hidden) and ‘fore’ (meaning before) it means putting little hints in the early stages of a story of bigger events that will come later on in the plot, so the readers have a little bit but not too much information about how things will develop. A good story does this in a barely noticeable way, but just enough that things don’t come out of nowhere without any relation to the events or foreshadowing in the story beforehand, which is bad writing. I hope that made sense! Xx
It’s like all the tropes but done right yesss