Why is the barista saying youngchan’s dangerous to be around. U just stood around when hyunsoo first was kidnapped my guy u did nothing. Youngchan literally saved him from being kidnapped and assaulted, ur just judging him because he’s a big guy. Pissing me off

I can see from that point of view since I feel like most people would be concerned but it’s that he kept a saying it and even after the fact that the barista knew youngchan barged into the hotel to save hyunsoo. Wouldn’t u feel kinda shitty for talking that way about someone and especially telling it to the person they just saved and has a special relationship with? Idk I’m just sensitive about it since I don’t like the way he’s saying youngchan is dangerous after all he’s done and how little the barista actually understands.

I also find it a bit annoying when he's misunderstood but it's understandable. Normal people don't go barging and fighting their way around. Youngchan used force to solve the problem just like how Hyunsoo's kidnappers did, in the barista's eyes. We know that it's Youngchan's passionate love for Hyunsoo's but it definitely created a mess.. Thanks to the Kim lady it'll surely get wrapped without incident though.. I love that she's a little crazy too XD
Guys It’s the same author as dangerous convenience store I believe this will be wholesome with no r@pe!!!
idk about wholesome since there are signs of a darker storyline but i’m hoping no over-toxic masculinity themes
I totally agree. I was thinking of wholesome more towards their relationship, like he’ll treat his partner like they’re a human and doesn’t want to hurt him by pushing his boundaries for his own sexual pleasure
So I guess no over the top toxic masculinity sums up what I hoping for too lol