creepy hot asshole is still creepy and still an asshole. Bitch gotta go.
I wonder if the guy who confessed to Shiorin is going to make a comeback and get with Ran. He's drawn WAY too detailed to be just a side character.
cutie patooties are back with A HOTTIE PATOOTIE? this hottie's gonna get with the other cutie i'm sure
it's been established that BL will never happen in this story and the author is just throwing in stupid fanservice. I don't read any of the adult potato story because they are all filled with fanservice. By the way, even with this stupid fanservice, Wolf has no romantic interest in Potato and it's all onesided. And now there are people spreading misinfo about the author being a pedophile and shit because of one drawing featuring a small-sized 29 year old character.
people who choose to stay are not groomers apologists. people who hate it can leave for all the right reasons, but calling out the author for doing this every single time an adult chapter comes out WHEN YOU KNOW THAT IT WILL BE ABOUT THIS STUPID FANSERVICE SHIT is tiring given that this conversation has been had MULTIPLE times. Yes, we all agree with you that fanservice is unnecessary and weird. But us feeling this way WILL NOT change any decision the author makes given that the Chinese fans want it and only serve to anger the other side who are mentally blocking out the BL fanservice. The translator had to make a note, and y'all STILL at it again. Just don't read the adult potato chapters, or drop the series completely.
It seems like the friend likes the doctor but the doctor uses his feelings to make him do shitty stuff like dressing up as a woman and potentially doing other things. When the doc said "I'll be counting on you again," the friend clearly seemed distraught. At the end, we see him dressed as a woman and said "disgusting."
I thought they'd started dating. Thank God he's still friendzoned. Fake fucking bitch.
The problem with Gojo being "back" imo is that I'm not sure what the payoff of that is going to be, except for the initial shock value. Yuta is gonna get his ass kicked and die because "Gojo" winning in 5 mins sound unlikely to me. Is it just to reinforce the motif of Gojo being weaponized? If that's the case then I have to say that the payoff is very little. Yuji was getting his moment to shine but his 15 minutes of fame was cut short by something with potentially little impact.
I guess it remains to be seen what legacy this whole body take-over will have, but at this point I'm not seeing much.
he was an ignorant selfish brat but he did show care for Garam a lot of times. Unlike certain other toxic semes.
he's a psychopath and the manga did a pretty good job of painting him crazy and scary. I don't see how this is romantic. The girl is held captive and looks scared af lmao. There should be a psychological tag.
then blame others for his fall lol what is Nanao on? it ain't Kazuma's fault he and Noah fell apart
My comment got pushed to several pages back. So many people are confused, so I'm doing the society a favor.
Kana liked Naho and always thought Naho was cute (notice how he smiled at Naho's bed hair) when walking together in chapter 2 (or 3, can't rmb). Every single compliment he gave Naho was his true feelings.
In chapter 5, Kana explained that Aoi was moving away to college in Tokyo and he won't be seeing Aoi anymore, so Kana wanted to spend more time with Aoi to make up for it. That's why he's been studying with Aoi recently. Kana said that he and Naho would be together forever so he figured he should priortize Aoi for now as his time with Aoi is running out. Naho suggested that Kana should take a train to see Aoi on the weekend, but Kana said he didn't think it would be necessary. There was a part in the library where the translator thought that Kana was lying about studying with Aoi. That's not true. Naho was just thinking about how Kana was studying with another friend and not Aoi that time.
So no, Kana doesn't like Aoi.
Naho's insecurities were taking over and he misinterpreted Kana's friends' attitude towards him. The blondie actually thought Naho was cute, and took an interest in his origami. He kept asking Kana to give him Naho's origami but Kana refused to, so he stole the crane from Kana who got annoyed at his antics, which is why Naho saw the crane in the blondie's hand. We were MISLED into thinking that Kana gave the crane away. Aoi also found Naho cute, and treated Naho very nicely (gave him a candy).
Naho also started to interpret Kana's actions differently because he thought Kana found him annoying (his insecurities talking).
Kana knew that his friends found Naho cute, so he didn't want Naho to see them. That's why he got annoyed at Blondie when Blondie was all over Naho. Kana is possessive of Naho, which is not good tbh. I don't know if he wanted to isolate Naho. Right now all we know is that he's also jealous of Naho's new friends. He hasn't done anything to push them away from Naho yet, however.
In chapter 8, Naho asked Kana why Kana thought he was average. Kana said that he never thought that way. Kana then said that objectively, Naho's face is average, but it doesn't matter because to Kana, Naho is the cutest. Kana was surprised at Naho's question because he didn't know that Naho overheard his conversation with his friends, as Naho never brought it up. So maybe we'll never really know why Kana said those words to his friends.
I bet my money that Kana said Naho was average so that his friends thought the same way.
From reading the translation
Kana liked Naho and always thought Naho was cute (notice how he smiled at Naho's bed hair) when walking together in chapter 2 (or 3, can't rmb).
In chapter 5, Kana explained that Aoi was moving away to college in Tokyo and he won't be seeing Aoi anymore, so Kana wanted to spend more time with Aoi to make up for it. That's why he's been studying with Aoi recently. Kana said that he and Naho would be together forever so he figured he should priortize Aoi for now as his time with Aoi is running out. Naho suggested that Kana should take a train to see Aoi on the weekend, but Kana said he didn't think it would be necessary. There was a part in the library where the translator thought that Kana was lying about studying with Aoi. That's not true. Naho was just thinking about how Kana was studying with another friend and not Aoi that time.
So no, Kana doesn't like Aoi.
Naho's insecurities were taking over and he misinterpreted Kana's friends' attitude towards him. The blondie actually thought Naho was cute, and took an interest in his origami. He kept asking Kana to give him Naho's origami but Kana refused to, so he stole the crane from Kana who got annoyed at his antics, which is why Naho saw the crane in the blondie's hand. We were MISLED into thinking that Kana gave the crane away. Aoi also found Naho cute, and treated Naho very nicely (gave him a candy).
Naho also started to interpret Kana's actions differently because he thought Kana found him annoying (his insecurities talking).
Kana knew that his friends found Naho cute, so he didn't want Naho to see them. That's why he got annoyed at Blondie when Blondie was all over Naho. Kana is possessive of Naho, which is not good tbh. I don't know if he wanted to isolate Naho. Right now all we know is that he's also jealous of Naho's new friends. He hasn't done anything to push them away from Naho yet, however.
In chapter 8, Naho asked Kana why Kana thought he was average. Kana said that he never thought that way. Kana didn't know that Naho overheard his conversation with his friends. He said that objectively, Naho's face is average, but it doesn't matter because to Kana, Naho is the cutest. I bet my money that Kana said Naho was average so that his friends thought the same way.
the blonde actually likes the cranes so much that he stole them from Kana without Kana knowing.
And we see again how Naho's insecurity is coloring his perception of others like how he thinks Kana is annoyed that he delivers the clothes to his home.
A lot of the things we've seen so far is Naho's perspective and he is not a reliable narrator at the moment as his confidence is shot. Hopefully things will be explained soon. I want to know why Kana said the thing he said to his friends, although my money is onnKana wanting to keep his friends from thinking Naho is cute as he's possessive of Naho.
The translation barely strings together, no offense to the uploader. I know you did your best. We have no idea what Kana actually is saying and y’all be dragging him because “sailboat.” The fuck?
From the raws it seems like Kana’s friends aren’t that bad, and a lot of what seems to be hostility towards Naho is just Naho’s insecurities projecting. Kana clearly cares for Naho, and most likely Kana is being overly possessive of Naho and doesn’t want others to think he’s cute or knows that Kana likes Naho or something like that. Yes possessiveness is not good, and I don’t know if Kana is actively trying to isolate Naho, but y’all acting like Kana bullies Naho. He notices Naho isn’t being himself and checks in on him the next day. In the library he wants to go home with Naho after noticing that Naho looks down/sick but Naho pushes him away. When Naho says he knows he’s not cute Kana looks shocked and upset. What do you want Kana to do when Naho isn’t communicating?
Bet you that Kana’s friends thought Kana and Aoi were dating and didn’t know Naho was Kana’s childhood friend. They thought he was some rando who was trying to come in between so they said those mean stuff about Naho. Then later on once they know better they are friendly to Naho. Yes it is bad that they assumed things and hurt Naho’s feelings, but y’all acting like you are not cringed when an average person saying he’s cute 24/7.
So far everything we see is from Naho’s perspective whose insecurities are taking over and potentially coloring his perceptions.
get these mofos outta here and give me the babies and the nursing and the happiness