daisyintherain's feed

daisyintherain created a topic of 19 Days

Most of the hints are in Christmas special chapters, when Tian just came back to the country.

1. In the first Christmas special, Mo is seen smoking a cig. It's clear that he isn't used to smoking because one, we have never seen him smoke before, and since that chapter, we have never seen him smoke again. Two, he immediately coughs after taking a hit. It's my own speculation, but I think it's likely that he smokes when he misses He Tian too much.

2. In a drunken stupor, Mo asks if Tian is back yet, not realizing that Tian is right next to him. That question is always on his mind.

3. He breaks down in tears when He Tian admits that he comes back because he misses Mo too much.

4. Mo immediately searched for He Tian upon waking up. When he called out for Tian, ithe author didn't end it with a question mark but rather a "...." I think he was scared that Tian abandoned him again.

5. And now this. We clearly see that Mo tries to move on with his life after Tian cuts off contact with him. Yet he still keeps all the mementos and looks at it once in a while when his yearning for Tian becomes uncontrollable.