Idk what yall are talking about saying they'd do well together, he does things without consent and when told no he ignores it, you can see she doesn't like it.
the difference is that those people chose to jack off to killing stalking meanwhile the author stated otherwise, this one is not the same its not a thriller its a femdom manga. And theres always a problem with consent in the making of these, just because theyre women doesnt mean they have a free pass to do whtever they please. you cant say its a double standard either because shes gotten absolutley no development until recent chapters so until she can seriously redeem herself thats how it is
Hell fuckin nah. I was at the start of my puberty when I started reading, truly fucked me up. I didn't know anything bout sex, everything came from yaoi, I know it's truly stupid but I was a fucking child
Good thing I started reading the comment section and it gradually shaped my views. Its a really tiresome and gruesome process. And not everyone is the same what about those children who read on sites who doesn't have a comment section.
Not everything is pretty looking in the comment section but seeing how much people debate and get so worked up, you sure would check yourself too
If she doesn't peg him ill have to intervene
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