All these manga be making me want a bf (ive never had one and im an adult)
No close male friends and no male in the house (family), amd whenever i think abt men thy i couldve dated it i just get back to “oh well i guess im gonna be a wizard someday” they’re toxic as fuck 1 reply
Want to go to china, ppl (mostly americans) are so racist towards that country but when i saw their architecture and diverse climates i seriously wanna visit it someday 3 reply
Used to be so disgusted when they look at my phone gallery (since i was the only one who had an iphone back then ppl just used to borrow it for the camera) they just scroll there like its not illegal and of course there’s bl. Then they would slander me for that but praise hentai and corn like its nothing.
So i got revenge by actually downloading smut pics and blatantly showing it to them since they are so mean to me. Fuck them