Nagisa asked a question

Body switch, body possession, reincarnation is popular tropes in manhwa. So imagine if those situations are real, will someone mental conditions still persist after body switch?

For example if someone originally have social anxiety, depression, schizophrenia etc, will they still have those illnesses in their new body?

Or what if the new body have anxiety but the original person don't, will they develop anxiety in their new body?

What about psychopath, autism, stutter?

Will it be similar like when we dreaming? Because in my dream I'm not socially anxious. But in real life I do

Nagisa asked a question

Can we filter genre when we search tags? Sometimes I'm not in mood to read to read BL, but it always at most top on tags search.

Nagisa followed a list

Male yandere
Yeah, I keep all of them where i get the tiniest 
yandere vibes

List #1

List #3

14 02,2024
Nagisa followed a list

I love that the female lead reaction is realistic. No way I would remember any of the manhwa I read. Her being airhead kinda refreshing to read too