saraishere's feed

saraishere created a topic of Our Sunny Days

why's everyone missing the point? it was literally a commentary on being "abnormal" or in a better word, otherness. obviously this was going to come up one way or anther in order for their relationship to progress. so the author used another character's back story to lead into this conversation. for her, being a child depraved of parental love is odd and abnormal which caused her to suffer so she's projecting her own fears onto the ml as she cares for him. to put it simply, it's not about her stance regarding their relationship, it's a social commentary on the society's ruthlessness when it comes to casting away otherness, which is fundamentally crucial for the sake of a theme dealing with homosexailty and same-sex relationships. i don't agree with her approach but i can understand her "reasonings" as I sympathise with her trauma. there's room for change and progress, so how about y'all chill out with the misogynistic comments? smh