T-Chan lol January 26, 2020 7:06 am

I don’t like polyamorous relationships. I don’t deem them romantic at all. Maybe it’s because I like the idea of being someone’s whole world maybe it’s because I think possessiveness and jealousy are a part of love (to a certain degree) or maybe it’s because I believe no one is ever truly equal and it just becomes more evident (over time) in three way relationships. Either way I’m not a fan of polygamy. Just seems like it’s doomed to fail and I don’t like to see pretty boys in misery.

    Gidget January 26, 2020 7:48 am

    Being in a poly relationship does not auto = being in misery. Some ppl do not feel jealousy or possessiveness, but do feel compersion and there is nothing wrong with that or them. Saying you don't 'deem them romantic' is the same as those saying gay love is wrong or not real because it doesn't fit in your/society/religions idea of what romance and love is.
    I say all this having been in a LTR one-sided poly relationship (his side). Poly was and is not for me, but I don't sit there and say that its not romantic, because its not my cup of tea.
    Also, your 'being someones whole world' mindset is toxic. And is a large part of why divorce rates are so high and marriage so miserable.

    T-Chan lol January 26, 2020 8:05 am
    Being in a poly relationship does not auto = being in misery. Some ppl do not feel jealousy or possessiveness, but do feel compersion and there is nothing wrong with that or them. Saying you don't 'deem them ro... Gidget

    I said I don’t deem them romantic. It’s my opinion. I said I don’t like seeing pretty boys in misery after saying “seems like it’s doomed to fail”. And it’s definitely not like gay love. Being gay is not a choice but being in a polyamorous relationship is. I never said that something was wrong with that I simply stated that I don’t like it. And it’s pretty ironic that you criticize me for voicing out my opinion on polygamy (while not even saying it’s bad and just giving some insight onto how I feel about it) but you come here and say wanting to be the only romantic partner is “toxic” and make a whole hypothesis (which is not even factual). You’re a hypocrite.

    Gidget January 26, 2020 3:39 pm
    I said I don’t deem them romantic. It’s my opinion. I said I don’t like seeing pretty boys in misery after saying “seems like it’s doomed to fail”. And it’s definitely not like gay love. Being gay... T-Chan lol

    Now, now. Lets not put words in my mouth. I never said wanting to be the only romantic partner is toxic, infact I said the opposite since I stated poly isn't my cup of tea. I specifically said that your comment on wanting to be "someones whole world" is toxic, and it is. Codependence is toxic doll. But you can keep living in your fairy tale and figure that out for yourself the hard way. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    As for my other comments, I simply pointed out that the way you are speaking about those who are poly is the same way conservatives speak about gays. Which I think you should chew on and maybe broaden your perspective.

    T-Chan lol January 26, 2020 4:35 pm
    Now, now. Lets not put words in my mouth. I never said wanting to be the only romantic partner is toxic, infact I said the opposite since I stated poly isn't my cup of tea. I specifically said that your comment... Gidget

    Codependency is one of the main reasons people are in relationships. It’s a natural part of life. If you can’t do something on your own you depend on others wether it be family friends or a partner. Now just because you don’t believe in being someone’s sole focus in the romantic department it doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. (I have quite a few examples of very happy marriages which almost seem idealistic).Perhaps you didn’t know that humans feel a sense of ownership and again it’s natural and not “toxic”. You can act as “evolved” as you want to but it won’t change that. I said I don’t find polygamy romantic and that’s it. Assuming every conservative is homophobic is ignorant and simply not true. And lastly I never said anything bad about the people who choose to be in polyamorous relationships. I said I don’t find the concept of polygamy appealing. (Being someone’s “whole world” was exclusively referring to romantic relationships. There are many other important aspects to life. I’m sorry if I haven’t made myself clear enough.)

    Gidget January 26, 2020 4:49 pm
    Codependency is one of the main reasons people are in relationships. It’s a natural part of life. If you can’t do something on your own you depend on others wether it be family friends or a partner. Now jus... T-Chan lol

    The words you have used to describe perfect love so far is: Ownership, Jealously, and Possessiveness. Your words speaks for themselves. Enjoy your fairytale, I have nothing else to say. :)

    T-Chan lol January 26, 2020 4:54 pm
    The words you have used to describe perfect love so far is: Ownership, Jealously, and Possessiveness. Your words speaks for themselves. Enjoy your fairytale, I have nothing else to say. :) Gidget

    My very first comment literally said “to a certain degree”. I’m assuming you haven’t read anything thoroughly. And again it’s funny how you try to clock me for not liking a certain concept and voicing it out but you do the exact same.

T-Chan lol January 20, 2020 2:55 pm

Mr. G is a real g if you catch my drift

T-Chan lol January 20, 2020 8:35 am

Okay so has anyone else also noticed how every time Karino’s character develops/ elaborates his hair/appearance change?! (e.g his glasses or how his hair is styled, really minor things but it makes him look more/less approachable, friendly looking etc.)

Also in-spite of common belief Karino has absolutely no pride. For example, he debased himself for an entire year to gain Azusa’s trust while being perfectly aware of the fact that he could easily dominate everyone in his class. (Just one example that I could think of spontaneously)

+ I think Karino and Azusa actually need each other. Azusa was extremely cocky and had too much pride while Karino is uhm well.. Karino... but after they started “hanging out” with each other Azusa became way more gentle and sweet and Karino also starts to feel.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk!

T-Chan lol January 12, 2020 8:31 am

I didn’t know furry porn was family friendly

T-Chan lol January 12, 2020 12:13 am

I rather have the glasses guy with our mc. I kinda feel weird about the age gap and also about the “replacement stuff”. I also think the president (glasses guy) likes the mc and he seems really nice. Also I think the older guy would be good at giving them guidance. I’d just rather see glasses guy/president x Mc and the old dude should have a platonic relationship with the Mc/them

    Velvet69 January 12, 2020 1:41 am

    I can't say that I feel totally comfortable with the older guy x mc match (because of what you mentioned), but the president dude is creepy af.. he kept talking about how he'd like to meet the older guy and see how he is doing (lying much?) + the phone-call he answered instead of the mc at the coming of age that was cut off. At this point unless he is an overprotective friend (slim chance), he is clearly in love with the mc, the mc told him he likes guys yet he still didn't tell him he likes him and keeps the whole friendship facade.. Age gap aside, I'd like to think that the whole past thing is successfully overcome and after the sudden rejection through phone(?) at their rendezvous he decided to move forward and try once again which the president is going to try and ruin

    T-Chan lol January 12, 2020 6:55 am
    I can't say that I feel totally comfortable with the older guy x mc match (because of what you mentioned), but the president dude is creepy af.. he kept talking about how he'd like to meet the older guy and see... Velvet69

    Yeah I get what you mean but those are just assumptions about the president. None of that was confirmed so I’d like to believe he’s a good guy. And honestly I think it’s even harder to confess when your friend’s already in love. And to the phone call, I do think it was the older guy who called but I don’t think it was positive news he delivered. I just think we didn’t get much of the president to actually assume bad things about him but I guess it’s just a matter of perspective.

    T-Chan lol January 12, 2020 6:57 am
    Yeah I get what you mean but those are just assumptions about the president. None of that was confirmed so I’d like to believe he’s a good guy. And honestly I think it’s even harder to confess when your f... T-Chan lol

    *I just think we didn’t get ENOUGH of the...

T-Chan lol January 7, 2020 5:42 pm

So they are gonna pull a Kim Kardashian? Get famous through a sex tape?

    Azalago January 7, 2020 6:42 pm

    I think that video is going to be for "private use," hahaha.

T-Chan lol January 5, 2020 12:22 pm

Am I the only one who absolutely HATES traps??

    Chelia2501 January 5, 2020 12:38 pm

    Because they trick you or just the concept itself?

    xxSQxx January 5, 2020 12:41 pm

    me tooo

    T-Chan lol January 5, 2020 12:47 pm
    Because they trick you or just the concept itself? Chelia2501

    I don’t like them bc they deceive others. I don’t have a problem with cross dressers or drag queens since they’re honest. + every trap character I’ve come across either drugged and raped someone or is super annoying. (Just my opinion)

    T-Chan lol January 5, 2020 12:48 pm
    me tooo xxSQxx

    I’m glad, I thought I was the only one lol

    Chelia2501 January 5, 2020 1:00 pm
    I don’t like them bc they deceive others. I don’t have a problem with cross dressers or drag queens since they’re honest. + every trap character I’ve come across either drugged and raped someone or is s... T-Chan lol

    I get where you’re coming from.
    But a trap doesn’t have to be a trap to trap people (if that makes sense).
    This one was really bad though.

    knife cat January 5, 2020 1:05 pm
    I get where you’re coming from. But a trap doesn’t have to be a trap to trap people (if that makes sense). This one was really bad though. Chelia2501

    i didnt know if she had a dick lmao, she did the V motion n i was confused. like?? trans woman transitioned and has a coochie now? guess she had a dick

    T-Chan lol January 5, 2020 1:09 pm
    i didnt know if she had a dick lmao, she did the V motion n i was confused. like?? trans woman transitioned and has a coochie now? guess she had a dick knife cat

    He’s not trans. He’s a trap, that’s the point.

    T-Chan lol January 5, 2020 1:15 pm
    I get where you’re coming from. But a trap doesn’t have to be a trap to trap people (if that makes sense). This one was really bad though. Chelia2501

    No I totally get what you mean. If they just look androgynous or feminin and they don’t do it to trick others it’s fine. Like Saika from Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome wa Machigatteiru. (Maybe he’s not the best example)

    knife cat January 5, 2020 1:22 pm
    He’s not trans. He’s a trap, that’s the point. T-Chan lol

    o fuck

    Don;t Mind this Weeb January 5, 2020 1:41 pm

    Well in yaoi at least not in real life or any other mangas

    Especially in shotas mangas where the yaoi manga is just for the sake of having smut

T-Chan lol January 1, 2020 4:56 pm

The reason I hate the “Leaned Sir” more is because he’s a two faced, bitch ass, coward. He basically exploits Nakyum and uses LOVE as a tool to persuade, pressure and manipulate him. I personally would rather have my body violated than my feelings. I can hardly imagine something worse than being completely fucked over by the person I love. (Not that Seungho is a saint. He’s really not but it really comes down to what you value more, body or mind.)

T-Chan lol December 16, 2019 5:22 pm

I’m sorry to be a bummer but there are a couple of things wrong with this that genuinely piss me off. 1) the misuse of the term “obsessive personality disorder”. It’s extremely offensive and just not accurate. He’s not a psychiatrist and therefore not able to diagnose someone, especially not with a personality disorder. And 2) the “I only fall for straight dudes and now I’m convinced no one could love me bc I’m a man” trope. It’s so stupid, it’s literally setting yourself up for failure and also being offended by a dude not liking you is uhm also really dumb. You’re not entitled to someone’s feelings just bc you like them and you’re also not entitled to someone’s sexuality and if they don’t wanna date you bc they aren’t attracted to you then you shouldn’t be offended especially not when you already know they are straight.

    prettybaby2000 December 16, 2019 6:36 pm

    I don't think the author was trying to offend anyone, I think it was them trying to make the seme brighten the mood in a sweet kind of way ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    The struggle of a gay man is that they are attracted to men overall. When they come out they don't say "I like gay men" they say "I like men." The uke sees how straight men treat the women they like and he craves that kind of attention. Of course, it's not right to force someone's sexuality but hes struggling with why he can't have a man treat him just like how they would treat a woman. For example, hugging, kissing, and holding hands in public is something straight men do for the women they are with so easily but gay couples are different. Most of the time men who are gay hesitate to do those because of how society is. Staying in the closet is much better and safer vs coming out when the world is so cruel and mean to you because of you being different. Straight people are "normal" and don't have to go through ANY of this which is why the uke wants to be "normal" in a relationship with a straight man because he thinks the straight man will treat him like women, being out and open about their relationship instead of hiding away and being ashamed.

    T-Chan lol December 16, 2019 6:46 pm
    I don't think the author was trying to offend anyone, I think it was them trying to make the seme brighten the mood in a sweet kind of way ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭The struggle of a gay man is that they are attracted ... prettybaby2000

    Even if the author didn’t mean to offend anyone it’s still offensive and disrespectful. And the uke specifically said that he’s ONLY attacked to straight men. I’m not trying to be mean but I suspect you haven’t read my comment thoroughly. I didn’t say anything about discrimination against gays but rather about the uke fetishizing a sexuality and then being offended when he’s rejected. While I do understand where he’s coming from and sympathize with him, it’s still stupid.

    NyaruLee December 16, 2019 8:28 pm
    Even if the author didn’t mean to offend anyone it’s still offensive and disrespectful. And the uke specifically said that he’s ONLY attacked to straight men. I’m not trying to be mean but I suspect you... T-Chan lol

    Then you didn't understand it or you clearly haven't been bullied about your sexuality. He isn't fetishizing anything. He's stating a fact: only normal relationships are accepted openly in society and that's what he craves. To be accepted. To fit. He wants to be treated like a person not like a "gay". Why? Well, you see, bigots are pretty nasty. And internalized homophobia is a thing. Being treated as a label and to see how your rights are literally being crushed by assholes is disheartening. Of course he wants to be normal, and he wants for his relationships to be SEEN as normal too. Why two guys holding hands is bad, but a guy and a girl is not? Where are you seeing the fetish here?

    As for the diagnosis, I'm pretty sure he was trying for a joke (hence the "normal" part), but we'll see.

    T-Chan lol December 16, 2019 8:36 pm
    Then you didn't understand it or you clearly haven't been bullied about your sexuality. He isn't fetishizing anything. He's stating a fact: only normal relationships are accepted openly in society and that's wh... NyaruLee

    I never said anything about the horrific things homosexuals have to go through but the uke stated that he was only attracted to straight men even before he was bullied. And if you can joke about something as serious as OCD/OCPD then you should have no problem with being bullied/discriminated against.

    NyaruLee December 16, 2019 8:42 pm
    I never said anything about the horrific things homosexuals have to go through but the uke stated that he was only attracted to straight men even before he was bullied. And if you can joke about something as se... T-Chan lol

    The seme was the one who made the joke???? What are you even talking about he is attracted to "normal" love, as a person who knows no other LGBT+ people he obviously only has fallen for "straight" men since that's pretty much the default lmao

    T-Chan lol December 16, 2019 9:00 pm
    The seme was the one who made the joke???? What are you even talking about he is attracted to "normal" love, as a person who knows no other LGBT+ people he obviously only has fallen for "straight" men since th... NyaruLee

    I was talking about you being okay withe the “joke” but not with the bullying. And no you obviously didn’t understand why he said he only falls for straight guys. He deliberately crushes on them. Even in the present so it’s obviously not by default. I mentioned that it was fetishizing a sexual orientation. He’s not attracted to anything BUT straight guys. This might origin from his internalized homophobia/coping mechanism but it’s still a fetish

    NyaruLee December 16, 2019 9:12 pm
    I was talking about you being okay withe the “joke” but not with the bullying. And no you obviously didn’t understand why he said he only falls for straight guys. He deliberately crushes on them. Even in ... T-Chan lol

    I'm not okay with the joke?? I just said it was a joke. That it wasn't a diagnosis (I think) but whatever. And there's no "deliberately falling" for straight guys. You fall in love with who you want or you just "fall in love"?. You clearly don't know what a fetish means, gay men are attracted to MALES, those mangas you see saying "I don't fall for straight guys" are the ones being unrealistic. You don't fall for a sexual orientation ffs, you can feel attraction to personality traits, to physical appearance, and you can feel that towards male, female, trans, nb (or everyone). But not towards an orientation, that doesn't exist. The analogy with this uke would be "I'm in love with the idea of being in love". And since heterosexual love is all he can see, it's pretty normal to have idealised (not fetishized) what a normal relationship is (going around holding hands, kissing in public). You could argue that this guy clearly needs help and someone to care for him, but your ideas about sexual orientation are seriously messed up lmao

    T-Chan lol December 16, 2019 9:31 pm
    I'm not okay with the joke?? I just said it was a joke. That it wasn't a diagnosis (I think) but whatever. And there's no "deliberately falling" for straight guys. You fall in love with who you want or you just... NyaruLee

    Did we read the same manga lmao? He literally said he wasn’t attracted to gay men, had no interest in gay porn or anything of that sorts. Only being attracted to blonds to the point of not even giving people with a different hair color a second look is a fetish. The uke does the same thing. He deliberately,exclusively falls for straight dudes, the only men he can’t get. It is obviously linked to emotional problems and still it’s far fetched to say it’s a disorder and even further a personality disorder. And how does it change anything by you claiming it was a joke, it was still offensive to me and I pointed it out lmao

    prettybaby2000 December 17, 2019 2:52 am
    Even if the author didn’t mean to offend anyone it’s still offensive and disrespectful. And the uke specifically said that he’s ONLY attacked to straight men. I’m not trying to be mean but I suspect you... T-Chan lol

    I guess its more of if it's your sense of humor lol. Yeah, but did you get what I said? Don't mean to be rude but re-read it. I know your not discriminating, your reading yaoi for goodness sake ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    I guess you just dislike the story vs me who is okay with it and understands it differently lol dw I know your not trying to start a fight, your free to have your own opinion!

    NyaruLee December 17, 2019 3:45 am
    Did we read the same manga lmao? He literally said he wasn’t attracted to gay men, had no interest in gay porn or anything of that sorts. Only being attracted to blonds to the point of not even giving people ... T-Chan lol

    Whatever. You seem to be the expert on psychology and LGBT+ here so let's leave it at that. Hope you can at least enjoy the story even though you obviously can't understand it LMAOOOO

    T-Chan lol December 17, 2019 5:43 am
    I guess its more of if it's your sense of humor lol. Yeah, but did you get what I said? Don't mean to be rude but re-read it. I know your not discriminating, your reading yaoi for goodness sake ╮( ̄▽ ̄)�... prettybaby2000

    I actually like the story I just really couldn’t laugh about the joke. But ig everyone has a different sense of humor, just like you’ve said. Have a good day (๑・◡・๑)

    T-Chan lol December 17, 2019 6:08 am
    Whatever. You seem to be the expert on psychology and LGBT+ here so let's leave it at that. Hope you can at least enjoy the story even though you obviously can't understand it LMAOOOO NyaruLee

    I’m no expert on either but Ik quite a few of things about psychology. You might’ve not understood why I’ve said what I’ve said. I was upset about it treating mental illnesses like a “joke” while talking about serious topics and about the same trope of “I have internalized homophobia bc I was bullied and now I can only like straight men bc I’m in denial”. This just makes me sad, honestly and I’m also quite sick of seeing it. It (his obsession with straight men) is a fetish (sexual attraction to the point of obsession) while I understand and sympathize with him it doesn’t change that even if this is used as a coping mechanism/grew out of trauma or out of his illusion that only heterosexual relationships work out in the traditional way. (I’m aware that you were being sarcastic but I’d rather reply in a proper way). Anyhow, I hope I’ve made myself clear and wish you a good day.

    prettybaby2000 December 17, 2019 8:09 am
    I actually like the story I just really couldn’t laugh about the joke. But ig everyone has a different sense of humor, just like you’ve said. Have a good day (๑・◡・๑) T-Chan lol

    yeah u too, I'm glad we can be mature (⌒▽⌒)

    just ignore some of the comments, you're allowed to have your own opinion and no one and nothing should change that (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

T-Chan lol December 7, 2019 9:03 am

This reminds me so much of Feeding Lamb or HEARTLESS... maybe it’s because of the art style or how the story is build (the first couple in the first chapter and the second couple in the second chapter which leads you to believe it’s a one shot but at the end of the second chapter it’s revealed they are connected)... it’s really good and the author knows how to build up angst... also I’m not too sure it’s Stockholm Syndrom (first couple)... I feel like it’s more of a grey area situation since the blonde dude is aware of his situation... anyway I’d love to know how this continues and how the first couple got to be a part of the police and shit...

    Quietus@Hero Scans December 7, 2019 6:06 pm

    They’re not the same couple though... it’s the same dark-haired guy, Adam, but his partner is called Mark... he and William just look similar. :). This second story is in 2 parts so we’ll see what happens after the gunshot in January

    T-Chan lol December 7, 2019 6:33 pm
    They’re not the same couple though... it’s the same dark-haired guy, Adam, but his partner is called Mark... he and William just look similar. :). This second story is in 2 parts so we’ll see what happe... Quietus@Hero Scans

    Oh, I thought they were the same people ( ̄∇ ̄") well I’m still excited to see how it’s going to play out. And thank you so much for your work, I really appreciate it a lot.♡

    Quietus@Hero Scans December 7, 2019 9:10 pm
    Oh, I thought they were the same people ( ̄∇ ̄") well I’m still excited to see how it’s going to play out. And thank you so much for your work, I really appreciate it a lot.♡ T-Chan lol

    You’re very welcome!

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