To anyone that are confused about the ‘plot twist’ that just happened:
• ‘Grand Duke’ is a title given to the close relative of the sovereign. Mostly the relatives of the King (or Queen). They are under their sworn monarch however they are above the Prince/Princess their monarchs have, thus making the title have more sense. If the prince/princess are too young to rule the kingdom, or the sovereign of said kingdom doesn’t have any heirs, the Grand Duke/Duchess are in line to inherit the kingdom. Thats why every eligible maidens tried their best to marry the Grand Duke, because in all honesty, he is a ‘Prince’ just not related to the royal family as their direct child. You can search it up on google.
• I’d like to add a note that Grand Duke/Duchess can also be inherited by the actual children of the King and Queen. Im thinking they are the ones who cannot inherit the throne (like a second/third son, or a daughter) but wish to serve their monarch politically. Either way, ‘Grand Duke’ is a Prince in a different title so this explains the title of the story.
• Teresse in the very beginning of the story, didn’t want to be the consort of the Grand Duke. Sure it was appealing to her and her family because of the wealth and prestige they would receive if she was chosen, but all she wanted was to work FOR the Grand Duke. I forgot the occupation but im assuming its working as an official or a librarian (correct me if im wrong). Teresse had no intentions to marry the Grand Duke. It was an obligation for her to join in as a candidate because she is a noblewoman.
• It has been heavily implied (imo) that Riina would become the Grand Duchess. I mean, Teresse didnt really hold the rose much and it was already turning red when she saw it (just as it was shown in her flashback in the new chapter) and who was the one who had the access to the flowers first? Riina.
• Personally i like this twist. Im a bit biased with ‘Team Jade’ so i’m glad it was Riina so Jade can have his happy ending
P.S i hope im making sense lol
Sigh i wish the emperor would just die and have her become the monarch in this kingdom. I wouldnt even mind if she pulled out a Cersei (from game of thrones) move so she could rule. The emperor is so disappointing.
Sure the author, im assuming, is trying to make it more realistic with his trauma and how it actually works but come ooon.. its fucking stupid how long it’ll take. And he’s the emperor, for someone who was in the top for political position, sure is fucking weak as fuck. Im surprised the kingdom hadnt had any wars with such a weak minded emperor. About right now, it would have been better to introduce a new kingdom trying to invade theirs and it would have been better if Rosemond was in contact with them secretly just to kill the Queen. But alas, this is just my hopeful thinking of how this story could become more interesting
To see the absolute fear in his eyes is so satisfying. Imagine the trauma he will have. Rather than the beast, it will be Arthur’s eyes he will see every night. The psychological fear Art brought to that dumbass was so good it give me chillsssss. Like ooooooh boy, put that sniveling whining asshole in front of Sylvie and he might just pass out with piss on his pants ahhhhh, what a great way to inflict fear. Bid your time, Art. Slowly torment him from what he has done. I look forward to what he’s going to do to Lucas and his entire family
Ash doesnt have any responsibility towards the Queen aside from being her sovereign that she is serving especially since she’s also not the real “Ash” in the first place. Humans tend to have a different approach when it comes to unfamiliar and ‘life and death’ situation. And Ash is just doing what her instincts tells her: to survive.
People also seemed to forget that she was reincarnated as a ‘MAID’. What can a maid do to help the queen in her situation? Its true that the queen’s situation is very unfortunate. We could come together and sympathize for the queen but Ash’s incapability of helping and saving the queen shouldnt be blamed on her. All she’s doing is to survive and if the knights who sworn to be by the queen’s side abandoned her, then what can Ash do as a maid? They murdered the previous nanny without hesitation, they would murder her ass faster than yall can say something. I would have understood everyone’s concern about her not doing anything IF she was reincarnated as a noble, say the queen’s sister perhaps or a lady in waiting that was close to queen. In this moment, Ash is doing what she could, gaining a lot of connection as the prince’s nanny and if in order to get herself out of danger is to romance anyone, then i could not blame her. Thats my opinion
I think we can all agree that we died in that panel (from excitement ofc)