This story is just all over the place. Is it just me or would anyone who got used and rejected by a former lover could even stand being in one place, let alone in close proximity with each other? I know its not my place to dictate what the author does with their story but I would rather Ariadne to focus on her revenge against her family than all this romance. I am still upset that Arabella died like that and how it was used for romantic purpose in the end. Who the hell was that white guy riding their carriage before?? Who on earth was that grandma in the boat and why is she seeing the FL in some water? What the hell is the Judge in the first place? Nothing was explained about the circumstances of her return in the past. Not even the “consequence” was explained all too well. All the romantic scenes are too cringy bc it feels forced. And now we have the camelia boy who most likely fell in love w Ariadne and is going to have a second ML syndrome. Or is it a third? Who knows at this point. Ariadne is not even making steps of trying to become queen asap except for romancing the prince? She knows who would kill the Queen and it could be her chance to help Alphonso to secure his throne if he take out the red haired douche canoe. I apologize for the rant if you end up reading this, but i just dont know where this thing is going aside from a harem type romance

You have to realize that this is a regression, I don't condone whatever cesare did but you have to understand that that was in the past life not this one.... With how much Ariadne changed the story, things are bound to change too including pples ways and feelings, like in this case,count cesare. What he did in the past hasn't happened because of the different circumstances Ariadne created. Like right now i believe Cesare's feelings are genuine, although he'll still proceed to be an asshole in the future, he just isn't going to do it in the same way. So as much as Ariadne remembers what Cesare did to her in the past life, this Cesare has no idea. So the reason why she is able to stand in close proximity to Cesare is that he hasn't done anything in this life to give her any reason to hate him (yet). So im just answering the first part of your comment.

I wish there was a way to edit my response but i want to correct something. I meant Cesare hasn't done anything in this life to give Ariadne a reason to hate him "openly". And Ariadne knows this. She knows that this Cesare doesn't know anything and hasn't done anything (yet). It would be quite suspicious if she was open about her hatred for cesare when he didn't do anything. What Ariadne strives to do in this life isn't just revenge, but to change her fate and give herself the life that she deserves and so desperately worked for in the past life prior to betrayal.

I sincerely did not expect the romance in this manhwa but this unique and cruel love between Raviel and Gongja was so addicting it will draw you in regardless of what you think. I actually screamed when i reached the recent chapter knowing i’ll have to wait for god knows how long for the next chapter. They are basically married in my eyes and the fact that the Tower blessed them both

Not gonna lie, the grandpa deserved to die after what he did. “Perfect control” over his own daughter so he could have a connection with the Duke eventually destroying his granddaughter in her first/past life, ruining a love match between the Duke and Cosette’s mom for his own personal gain. If he wasn’t so greedy, none of this would have happened. He got what he deserved. Im hoping Kiera would just leave this empire for good to actually heal from all this traumatic drama

I dont think Seth needs to worry about being seen as lesser after what Osiris did to him. Sure, the humiliation would be so huge for him to bear but he and Isis will reach a common goal of destroying Osiris’ reputation. Despite what he did, Seth loved Anubis as his own son, protected him in his name even though it must hurt for him to see a child of his wife and the brother who raped him.
Idk how to think of Nephthys’ character. Trying to expose her guilt now is a bit... meh. Although i do appreciate the effort. At the very least, she could have been there for Anubis, but as she admitted, she wallowed in guilt and hide rather than taking responsibility of the actions she caused. She is a goddess of peace and harmony, she could have at least tried something. She’s a bit selfish in wanting to die, unable to bear the guilt of her sins and didnt even try to correct her ways while Seth and Isis and their sons have suffered so much.
Isis is a remarkable character. She has always been depicted as a very cunning and smart goddess in all of her lore so i was beginning to wonder if she was truly blind of what her husband did in the early chapters. Thank god, i was wrong. Her relationship with Seth in this story was simply amazing. Because she truly sympathize with him but her anger could not be satiated by simply allying with her brother. In her mind, if only Seth had come to her rather than Osiris then it would have been a change of story. She sympathize with the fact that Seth would do anything for his son as much as she would towards her own. Ig in my opinion, she respected him enough.
On a side note, i wonder when everyone will realize that Sekhmet and Hathor are the same entity lol. Anywayssss, thank you all for reading this. I didnt realize how long this had turn into
Dereck needs to be disowned