Am just confused by why the king wants Ishide to touch it. Isn't he like super helpful and useful? losing him would cause more harm than good. Why not make someone else do it. Or is it because the king is afraid of Ishide and is scared of him doing a coup d'état? I think it's definitely the blond guy who shouted.
Honestly am over yahwi at this point. Cain os so sweet and he treats him right. And he respects him. I mean yahwi lead the jooin on when he knew he liked him and slept with him when he was obviously drunkconsent who? Just the way he left him money after sleeping with him was disgusting. And yeah, he was just a general asshole. I lost all my interest in him when he could've defended the uke more but was just silent and ignored everything and everyone bullying Jooin ughhhh. He doesn't deserve jooin tbh
Not me wanting the boss to take him alone on that night out only for the seme to find out and get jealous as fuuuuu. And then realize his feelings and start trying to get tge uke to fall for him. Am talking sappy shit. Getting him flowers and chocolates and taking him on picnics and sleeping on his lap kimda sappy
I can't cre less about his boyfriend. I honestly like the killer more