So I saw the raws and am now reading the novel ch.51 out of 138 (Google translate) and I have to say… I think the hyung genuinely has an interest in the MC but there’s so much misunderstandings and the MC has some trauma/issues from his past that definitely affects the way he handles his relationship with the ML. Also, the ML seems like he’s in a “fake” relationship?? With a girl idk will continue to read more to find out what exactly is going on
Ok so I’m on ch 70 right now and here are some *SPOILERS*:
-so they start becoming physical in like ch. 10 of the webtoon… they’ve both been drinking and sleepover at Hamin’s (MC) place. In the morning he notices that Tae Rim (ML) has a hard-on. ML kinda jokes about it but MC offers to help him relieve it, saying he’s done this sort of thing with friends before… but he’s lying as he has no experience at all! That happens and then MC starts avoiding ML because he’s embarrassed and thinking it’s a one-time thing. ML on the other hand thinks MC is too casual about their encounter, like it’s nothing to him because he’s done this many times before… but he keeps approaching him and it becomes regular…
-and all this time MC thinks that ML has a girlfriend which it turns out is that ML is supposed to have an arranged marriage with a girl. That girl is also his friend/gf? But I think it’s not serious because when MC asks him to break up ML does and the girl even starts dating one of ML’s friends. Idk they are all part of the same circle of friends. So ML breaks up with the girl but then MC doesn’t feel happy/satisfied. He thinks that if they were together for real the same thing might happen
-and you find out the MC past… so during his 3 years of HS he was severely bullied to the point that he even tried to commit suicide. No one knows this except for his mom. He has a scar from the attempt on his wrist which he always covers with a watch and why he always wears long sleeves. There’s an arc in the novel where they are in Jeju Island and he gets pushed into a swimming pool and the watch breaks because it’s so worn from constant use and MC is frantic because the scar is exposed. One of his younger classmates happens to see it and because of it starts taking care/being really friendly with him. However, with the ML, MC becomes distant because he doesn’t want him to see the scar and know his past. But the ML becomes jealous because why is he being pushed away but he’s friendly with another guy…
So yeah… they both have feelings and the ML genuinely tries to take care of him but they are just in different wave lengths and see each other’s actions as different from what it really is… meaning there is no communication at all with them which is frustrating
This makes both my head and my heart hurt…
I feel like so many things could’ve gone differently if the characters had just communicated with each other… like real heart to heart open honest communication…
And don’t get me started on Daon and Soohyun… I wish the author would make a side story or an alternative story with just these two…