Sophie April 10, 2020 7:58 pm

Joel fue desagradable hasta el final. La confesión fue ridícula. ¿Tú eres el único que me tolera? ¿En una hora serás mayor de edad? Aun si Chase fuese alguien de su misma edad, yo desearía que no saliera con ese esperpento. Después hacer que su hijo le lleve los suéteres ????? Es que lo mínimo sería no mostrar una vista tan desagradable de su padre lleno de marcas, marcas hechas por su amigo de colegio.
Y el final, con ellos no queriendo abrir... me desagrada que sigan con esa interacción antagónica. No pueden mostrarme una relación de familia feliz pero al mismo tiempo que no se toleran.
Si no fuese por la segunda pareja, esta historia estaría en mi top. Joel y Chase no estuvo correcto, y no solo por su edad, sino porque Joel se ve como el típico tóxico. smh
Ojala el autor saque otra historia, esta vez sin tocar temas así.

    ( D.D.) Disastrous Dick April 11, 2020 12:16 am

    Es que ni siquiera una hora, 2 minutos...
    Ridículo a más no poder, wow me encantaba la main ship... pero esto fue demasiado

    noé April 12, 2020 10:39 am

    maricA yo me quedé en shock, osea, yo también me pusiera d perros si mi amigo se pusiera a seducir y q terminara con mi hermano/casi padre es como q????????? no entendí

    y sentí q los últimos capítulos y final se centró mucho en la segunda pareja q en la principal xq es q los AMO y sentí q los hicieron a un lado sin pararle mucha bola... No me arrepiento d haberlo leído xq me reí mucho y fue lindo como Jesse y Andy fueron progresando sanamente en su relación (no como los otros la vdd) pero me siento estafada.

Sophie April 6, 2020 1:38 am

then no one is going to break the engagement.....

Sophie March 23, 2020 11:40 am


Sophie March 16, 2020 12:17 pm

Joel is the worst father you could ask for. He was selfish until the last moment, and
all of this had to happen for JESSE to realize that he has to take the first step, instead of the DAD

    maithai22 March 16, 2020 12:37 pm

    No Joel has his own reasons for being like that
    he wasn’t taught to raise a child nor have a wife to guide him through it. It happens psychologically it may seem Joel is a piece of shit and at first I thought he was too but if you look more deep into it. He got put in a lot of pressure and different situations he wasn’t use ever since Jesse came into his life. I get that the fact he never treated Jesse normally. But Joel actually cares for Jesse it’s just the brains pathway into subsiding Jesse as some nuisance when really Jesse is his son and always been there for him.
    Relationships are very hard to maintain especially when you tend to ignore and isolate yourself from the person you need to build a relationship with as you can see from the comic.
    So Joel’s not the worst father and he’s also not a good one he’s some what getting there
    And Jesse can’t be blame for that
    both sides are to be blamed for honestly but I don’t know how to be more specific than my previous explanation
    Both sides have their own reasons therefore both sides shouldn’t be criticised

    howling_apple March 16, 2020 2:34 pm

    "Worst father", seriously, you should meet some others. I'm lucky enough to have a kickass one that I couldn't love more than I do, but even just looking at my mom, or some of my friends' parents, or my grandfather, I can GUARANTEE there's much worse out there in real life than this.

    hellyeahiluvyaoi March 16, 2020 3:31 pm

    No way. There are so many worst father than Joel. Lets say he didnt give Jesse a loving father figure but he gave Jesse everything he need. He still care for him by nagging which is the most hated way for every children but its still a way to show how much he care about him. He consider Jesse's feelings above his own, if he is the worst he will be married without thingking about Jesse at all. He can just give Jesse money to live alone or neglect him. If you really want to see what a worst father look like, please read raising a bat. The mc's biological father is the worst father I ever seen

    Sophie March 17, 2020 1:40 am

    Okay, saying he's the worst parent went too far, but I was mad at what I just read. Still, Joel has no excuse. He is an adult with a child, and it is not like he was a father recently, he is a father for a while and he still acts as if Jesse ruined his life, he cannot understand that his son is gay BUT he is in love with a man. Joel. has. no. excuses. He is a bad father who doesn't deserve any respect.

Sophie March 9, 2020 10:53 pm

This chapter makes me very sad

Sophie March 5, 2020 4:43 pm


Sophie March 1, 2020 5:16 pm

I just want Chase to be with a good boy who loves him, a boy who is brave, not like the horrible attempt to be a father aka Joel

Sophie February 22, 2020 3:10 pm

I really hate Joel, I'm not kidding anymore. He is the worst father, police and person. How selfish can you still be after all these years. Is my son not normal because of me? look, I can understand the fear of the possibility that you have ruined your son (even if the homosexuality or bisexuality is not like that) but can he even try to talk to Jesse? HE IS THE FATHER, he just goes and make his son feel like trash.
It makes me so angry that I will cry. He really treats his son like that ... always?

He is such a bad father that he makes me ignore the fact that he wants to fuck his son's friend. Funny.

Sophie February 18, 2020 2:24 pm


Sophie February 16, 2020 7:36 pm


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