Eclipse July 13, 2019 8:55 pm

Does anyone here have a ZEPETO or an IMVU?

Eclipse July 10, 2019 12:18 am

Is anyone else here a hopeless romantic like I am?
I'm 22 and have NEVER been in a romantic relationship. I've never even had my first kiss. Reason being is that I just haven't come across that one person who feels right, you know? Like I've known them my entire life or like I've known them in a past life. And then of course there's that spiritual connection that I got to have with my significant other...You have many soul mates, but only a few of them are alive at the same time as you. It's very rare for you to come across one of your soul mates, but there are those who do. I'm an old fashioned kind of girl and I'm just searching for one of my soul mates. I'm a bit cheesy, but hey, what ever. Lol.

    jimenaF July 10, 2019 12:46 am

    Soul mates doesn't exist kid

    Eclipse July 10, 2019 12:48 am
    Soul mates doesn't exist kid jimenaF

    Well I believe that they do. There just few and far. It's rare to come across one and your very luck if you ever get the chance to meet one.

    jimenaF July 10, 2019 12:50 am
    Well I believe that they do. There just few and far. It's rare to come across one and your very luck if you ever get the chance to meet one. Eclipse

    No, they don't. It's just brain chemistry. You're gonna waste your life if you keep waiting for someone that it's not real.

    owogre July 10, 2019 12:56 am
    No, they don't. It's just brain chemistry. You're gonna waste your life if you keep waiting for someone that it's not real. jimenaF

    And you’re gonna waste whatever brain cells you have left by making some stranger feel bad for nothing

    Eclipse July 10, 2019 12:59 am
    No, they don't. It's just brain chemistry. You're gonna waste your life if you keep waiting for someone that it's not real. jimenaF

    That's your opinion. Your aloud to believe in what you want, and I'm aloud to believe in what I want. Your not going to change the way that I feel or think. I'm a spiritual person and I feel that I have soul mates out their. I don't car what science has to say about anything, what feel is what I feel, regardless of what was "proven." Whether or not I "waist" my life by waiting for someone is up to me and on me for doing so. And I don't mind. All I care about is finding that one person who I have that strong connection with, regardless of if there a soul mate or not. Love is love and you can't change that. If I happen to meet that one person before I meet one of my soul mate's then cool. I'm fin with that.

    jimenaF July 10, 2019 1:03 am
    That's your opinion. Your aloud to believe in what you want, and I'm aloud to believe in what I want. Your not going to change the way that I feel or think. I'm a spiritual person and I feel that I have soul ma... Eclipse

    Then don't ask questions.

    jimenaF July 10, 2019 1:06 am
    And you’re gonna waste whatever brain cells you have left by making some stranger feel bad for nothing owogre

    I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

    Marie July 10, 2019 1:17 am
    Then don't ask questions. jimenaF

    She can do whatever the fuck she wants to do. She was asking if anyone else was a hopeless romantic and its a damn good question to ask. You are the problem in this situation. You have no right to criticize anyone for their beliefs. So back off.

    jimenaF July 10, 2019 1:24 am
    She can do whatever the fuck she wants to do. She was asking if anyone else was a hopeless romantic and its a damn good question to ask. You are the problem in this situation. You have no right to criticize any... Marie

    I'll do whatever the fuck I want. Don't like it? Go cry somewhere else bitch.

    Mechanized76 July 10, 2019 1:29 am

    It's fine. If you believe it. I too believe in things like spirits and everything. Otherwise whats a human without a soul? Right? Even i use to think like that. But from time to time you just have to use logic in this life because thats the world we're living in. But yeah it will cool if your find your soul mate in this life of your.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    elephantcockroach July 10, 2019 1:31 am

    Maybe it's what I've been reading but also I think there are person who are meant for us. To compensate what we don't have. To make us feel that we were not living THE LIFE til they arrive. A person who truly cares for you even in times when you don't believe and care for yourself. It's cheesy all right but believing so that someone out there loves and is for you/meant for you is just too wonderful for me to think about.

    elephantcockroach July 10, 2019 1:31 am

    Maybe it's what I've been reading but also I think there are people who are meant for us. To compensate what we don't have. To make us feel that we were not living THE LIFE til they arrive. A person who truly cares for you even in times when you don't believe and care for yourself. It's cheesy all right but believing so that someone out there loves and is for you/meant for you is just too wonderful for me to think about.

    FUDANSHI-KUN July 10, 2019 1:45 am

    That would probably happen for you, (wish you all the best)
    But for me I cant even imagine that happening. I believe it exist for other people other than me, which is why im here reading lovey dovey crap.

    Pia July 10, 2019 1:50 am

    I'm definitely not a hopeless romantic but I don't think it's a bad thing to hold out for a good person. I was in some dumb relationships before I started my current LTR because I didn't think I was good enough and that the right person didn't exist. Now that I'm with someone who I wouldn't trade for the world, I believe it's a good thing to wait for someone who at least fits you really well, even if the perfect fit doesn't exist. If I could go back and redo it but still end up with him, I would.

    Will be cheering for you ^^

    Eclipse July 10, 2019 2:06 am
    I'll do whatever the fuck I want. Don't like it? Go cry somewhere else bitch. jimenaF

    Why do you have such a problem with this topic? No one is crying. There is no need to. Everyone is more then welcome to do whatever they want. We are all aloud to have our own opinions. Just because you don't believe in soul mate's does not mean that everyone else has to belive in the same thing that you do. I'm sorry that this is such a sore topic for you, but just because it's something that bothers you, it does not give you the right to bash at other people. I'm trying to be as polite as possible with this. I don't know if it's that your just a troll trying to hurt other's or if it's that you've been hurt in the past by someone who you thought was your soul mate and that's what changed your idea on this matter. All I know is, is that whatever you have to say is on you, and you alone. I'm not one to let trolls bother me because I know that whatever they say is just them trying to hurt me. The only person that can hurt me, is me. I am my own worst enemy, just as everyone else is there own worst enemy. No one can hurt you as much as you hurt yourself. It's all a matter of how your mind works. If you don't like the topic, you could have just passed right over it without saying anything. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live or what to do, I'm just putting this out here.

    Aejae-shi July 10, 2019 2:24 am

    Wahh Im 21 but have never been in a relationship too or had my first kiss. Idk if u call it a hopeless romantic but I just think if a guy really likes you he can wait. And so far none of the guys who ever told me they liked me was able to wait I also just want a partner who I would feel comfortable wif and who could wait.

Eclipse July 9, 2019 9:52 pm

Hello and blessed be. I was just wondering if anyone else on here is a witch or a warlock? I'm an Eclectic Witch.

    YuzukiMikage July 9, 2019 10:00 pm

    Witches and warlocks aren't the same though?

    Eclipse July 9, 2019 10:10 pm
    Witches and warlocks aren't the same though? YuzukiMikage

    They are indeed the same. The only thing that changes is the gender. Both of them work with witchcraft. One is a sorceress and the other is a sorcerer.

    Mononoke_ July 9, 2019 10:36 pm

    Hey I don't want to be disrespectful but do you really think you're a witch? Or it is some sort of role-playing? I'm seriously curious

    Eclipse July 9, 2019 11:03 pm
    Hey I don't want to be disrespectful but do you really think you're a witch? Or it is some sort of role-playing? I'm seriously curious Mononoke_

    I really am a witch. If you work with witchcraft, then your a witch. It's not a role play thing. And you're alright. This is actually one of the more tolerable questions that witches get. A lot of people can become very offensive and just down right rude and close minded. One of the comment's that we tend to get is "You do realize that Harry Potter isn't real, right?" This one is more annoying then offensive. Like, you do realize that witchcraft is much, much older then Harry Potter. It's much older then the Catholic religion. In fact, if you really look into some of the Catholic traditions, a lot of them were taken from the Pagan traditions. I'm an Omnist. I have no idea if you know what that mean's, but you should look it up if you don't know. I'm also specifically an Eclectic Witch. Meaning that I don't just follow one specific craft. I take a little bit of all of them and make it in to my own.

    YuzukiMikage July 10, 2019 4:54 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! UNAPOLOGETIC ❦

    Witches can be male or female though? (Since a long time ago, until it was specified as a female in the modern years)
    Like how theres a difference between a mage, a sorcerer, a magician, druids and etc.

    Mononoke_ July 10, 2019 8:22 pm
    I really am a witch. If you work with witchcraft, then your a witch. It's not a role play thing. And you're alright. This is actually one of the more tolerable questions that witches get. A lot of people can be... Eclipse

    Thanks for response, I'll definitely look it up

    Eclipse July 10, 2019 10:10 pm
    Witches can be male or female though? (Since a long time ago, until it was specified as a female in the modern years)Like how theres a difference between a mage, a sorcerer, a magician, druids and etc.._. YuzukiMikage

    A warlock IS a male witch. The only thing is, is that it's more of a "mythical" name then a witch. To add to everything, a lot of people feel more comfortable calling male witches warlock's instead of calling them a witch. They ARE technically the same thing. I myself am a witch, so I already know what your trying to say. I was just saying warlock in case someone felt uncomfortable about being called a witch because there a guy. There are a few men out there who would prefer being called a warlock.

    Eclipse July 10, 2019 10:10 pm
    Thanks for response, I'll definitely look it up Mononoke_

    No problem. And your welcome.

Eclipse July 9, 2019 9:59 pm

1.) What are some of your favorite stones?

Some of mine are:
Purple Sapphire
Purple Labradorite
Rainbow Moonstone
Red Jasper
Ruby Fuchsite

2.) Why are they apart of your favorite's?

Purple Sapphire- Sapphire is my birth stone and purple is my favorite color. To add to it, it helps with my insomnia.

Purple Labradorite- Labradorite is one of my favorite stones for two reasons, it's beauty and because it's power. And of coarse, it's color purple.

Selenite-It connects me even more so to the moon and to Goddess Selene. It helps me calm down when I'm having a dark spell with my depression.

Rainbow Moonstone-Another one that connects me to the moon. It's beauty draws me in.

Fluorite-It's a strong dream stone. It helps with good dreams.

Celestite-Connects me to the spirit realm and helps me with my angel energy and connects me to my guardians.

Red Jasper-I seem to be very attracted to this stone as of the moment. It's powers and properties are all things that I need help with. It calms me down and helps me skip stress all together.

Ruby Fuchsite-I'm connected to this stone as well, but I'm not entirely sure as to why, I'm just drawn to it.

    sasukesharringar July 9, 2019 9:56 pm

    A nice relaxing random topic. I don't know what the meaning of the stones are but...

    My favourite stones are opals, rubies, sapphires, amethyst, lapis and jade.

    Eclipse July 9, 2019 10:06 pm
    A nice relaxing random topic. I don't know what the meaning of the stones are but...My favourite stones are opals, rubies, sapphires, amethyst, lapis and jade. sasukesharringar

    Lol. Thank you for responding to my question. I appreciate it. And that's alright. I like a lot of the stones that you listed. If you are into stones, I would highly suggest looking up there ability's. I'm sure that you'll find out why your attracted to some of them and then to top it all off, I'm sure it will intrigue you. A lot of what you will find out will be pretty interesting.

    Rclevel655 July 9, 2019 10:11 pm

    My favourites are Rainbow Moonstone, Red Jasper, Clear Quartz, Merlinite, Selinite, Citrine and Rose Quartz.

    Eclipse July 9, 2019 10:15 pm
    My favourites are Rainbow Moonstone, Red Jasper, Clear Quartz, Merlinite, Selinite, Citrine and Rose Quartz. Rclevel655

    That's awesome. Do you know any of there ability's?

    Cloudy July 9, 2019 10:32 pm

    My favorites are ruby, emerald, amber, and moonstone

    Rclevel655 July 9, 2019 10:36 pm
    That's awesome. Do you know any of there ability's? Eclipse

    Red Jasper boosts confidence, empowerment and energy. It’s great for the Solar Plexus and Base Chakra. A lot of red stones are passionate hence why there’s such a strong powerful vibe.

    Moonstone is great for creativity, inspiration and new beginnings. For people with periods, it’s believed to help menstrual cycles and hormones. Works well with the crown, third eye and sacral chakra.

    Selenite is purifying and calming. I keep one above my door to cleanse all of the energy from the outside world before I bring all of that “negative bullshit” into my room lmao. Another that’s good for periods and cycles. Also works well with the same Chakra’s as Moonstone. Most white stones have similar characteristics in terms of what they support or do.

    Those are the three I know the most about besides Rose Quartz (everyone knows about the love stone), attracts love whether it be romantic or platonic or even self love, works well with the heart chakra. Erm Citrine is great for abundance; money, love, health, abundance in all forms. Merlinte is a pretty dark stone from what I remember, like daaaaaark but I thought it looked cute and it looked like there was a void inside so I was drawn to it lmao.

    Eclipse July 9, 2019 10:41 pm
    My favorites are ruby, emerald, amber, and moonstone Cloudy

    That's cool. Have you looked into there ability's?

    Eclipse July 9, 2019 10:52 pm
    Red Jasper boosts confidence, empowerment and energy. It’s great for the Solar Plexus and Base Chakra. A lot of red stones are passionate hence why there’s such a strong powerful vibe.Moonstone is great for... Rclevel655

    That's really cool that you know and remember all of this. I knew a lot of this and then forgot the rest. LMAO! I must have a lot of things wrong with my hormones because my moonstones and selenite don't do jack for my menstrual cycle. Lol. I must be all sort' of fucked up when it comes to that. Lol. It runs in my family though, so that could be apart of it. I really like your idea with the selenite above your door. I carry some of mine around with me and my main selenite is the one that I cradle in my hands against my chest when I'm having a dark spell with my depression. So it's deffanitlly a calming stone.

    Cloudy July 9, 2019 11:05 pm
    That's cool. Have you looked into there ability's? Eclipse

    Ruby: noble, strengthening, and powerful (you feel really hecking royal when you wear one)
    Emerald: my birth month ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I don’t know much about it
    Amber: absorbs negative energy and promotes self-confidence
    Moonstone: healing

    Eclipse July 9, 2019 11:08 pm
    Ruby: noble, strengthening, and powerful (you feel really hecking royal when you wear one)Emerald: my birth month ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I don’t know much about itAmber: absorbs negative energy and promotes self-... Cloudy

    Thank you for sharing your stone's. And that's alright, no worries.

    Rclevel655 July 9, 2019 11:14 pm
    That's really cool that you know and remember all of this. I knew a lot of this and then forgot the rest. LMAO! I must have a lot of things wrong with my hormones because my moonstones and selenite don't do jac... Eclipse

    I get anxious touching selenite because I was told it can dissolve in liquids, which is why I like to keep it above my door. I guess it also depends on how it is, because you can get the smooth ones or the more rough raw ones. Mines a mini wand that’s raw.

    Not gonna lie, these are the ones that mean the most to me but even I needed to grab my book to make sure, I was right, before I pressed send lmao!!!
    I have a couple of books that I like to read about the stones so I can figure out how I can utilise them whether it be meditation or new/full moons or even day to day use. I usually stick a crystal in my bra but it’s summer now so it’s a lil hot for that :)

    I’ve never tried Selenite or Moonstone for periods since I was on birth control for quite some time but now that I haven’t taken it in a few months I should put it to the test and see if it helps my cycle cus shits a little chaotic right now lmao. It’s quite interesting that it runs in the family, as weird as this may sound but that’s really cool!

    When you said depression, I flipped through one of the books and it said that egg shaped crystals are supposed to be good for anxiety and emotional blockages because you can kinda use them like a stress ball. Also yoni eggs, never used one but they are supposed to be cool.

    Eclipse July 9, 2019 11:22 pm
    I get anxious touching selenite because I was told it can dissolve in liquids, which is why I like to keep it above my door. I guess it also depends on how it is, because you can get the smooth ones or the more... Rclevel655

    I think I just made a friend. Lmao! So would you say that you'r a witch, or are you just into crystal's? I'm an Eclectic Witch.

    Rclevel655 July 9, 2019 11:37 pm
    I think I just made a friend. Lmao! So would you say that you'r a witch, or are you just into crystal's? I'm an Eclectic Witch. Eclipse

    I wouldn’t say a witch although I am very interested in nurturing plants, growing herbs and enjoying nature so if I was, I’d definitely be a green witch but I’ve never really felt that pull. If you get what I mean.

    Yeah, if you use tumblr or anything like that we could talk on there.

    Eclipse July 10, 2019 12:06 am
    I wouldn’t say a witch although I am very interested in nurturing plants, growing herbs and enjoying nature so if I was, I’d definitely be a green witch but I’ve never really felt that pull. If you get wh... Rclevel655

    Yup, I have a tumblr. Lol.

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