Is anyone else here a hopeless romantic like I am?
I'm 22 and have NEVER been in a romantic relationship. I've never even had my first kiss. Reason being is that I just haven't come across that one person who feels right, you know? Like I've known them my entire life or like I've known them in a past life. And then of course there's that spiritual connection that I got to have with my significant other...You have many soul mates, but only a few of them are alive at the same time as you. It's very rare for you to come across one of your soul mates, but there are those who do. I'm an old fashioned kind of girl and I'm just searching for one of my soul mates. I'm a bit cheesy, but hey, what ever. Lol.
That's your opinion. Your aloud to believe in what you want, and I'm aloud to believe in what I want. Your not going to change the way that I feel or think. I'm a spiritual person and I feel that I have soul mates out their. I don't car what science has to say about anything, what feel is what I feel, regardless of what was "proven." Whether or not I "waist" my life by waiting for someone is up to me and on me for doing so. And I don't mind. All I care about is finding that one person who I have that strong connection with, regardless of if there a soul mate or not. Love is love and you can't change that. If I happen to meet that one person before I meet one of my soul mate's then cool. I'm fin with that.
It's fine. If you believe it. I too believe in things like spirits and everything. Otherwise whats a human without a soul? Right? Even i use to think like that. But from time to time you just have to use logic in this life because thats the world we're living in. But yeah it will cool if your find your soul mate in this life of your.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Maybe it's what I've been reading but also I think there are person who are meant for us. To compensate what we don't have. To make us feel that we were not living THE LIFE til they arrive. A person who truly cares for you even in times when you don't believe and care for yourself. It's cheesy all right but believing so that someone out there loves and is for you/meant for you is just too wonderful for me to think about.
Maybe it's what I've been reading but also I think there are people who are meant for us. To compensate what we don't have. To make us feel that we were not living THE LIFE til they arrive. A person who truly cares for you even in times when you don't believe and care for yourself. It's cheesy all right but believing so that someone out there loves and is for you/meant for you is just too wonderful for me to think about.
I'm definitely not a hopeless romantic but I don't think it's a bad thing to hold out for a good person. I was in some dumb relationships before I started my current LTR because I didn't think I was good enough and that the right person didn't exist. Now that I'm with someone who I wouldn't trade for the world, I believe it's a good thing to wait for someone who at least fits you really well, even if the perfect fit doesn't exist. If I could go back and redo it but still end up with him, I would.
Will be cheering for you ^^
Why do you have such a problem with this topic? No one is crying. There is no need to. Everyone is more then welcome to do whatever they want. We are all aloud to have our own opinions. Just because you don't believe in soul mate's does not mean that everyone else has to belive in the same thing that you do. I'm sorry that this is such a sore topic for you, but just because it's something that bothers you, it does not give you the right to bash at other people. I'm trying to be as polite as possible with this. I don't know if it's that your just a troll trying to hurt other's or if it's that you've been hurt in the past by someone who you thought was your soul mate and that's what changed your idea on this matter. All I know is, is that whatever you have to say is on you, and you alone. I'm not one to let trolls bother me because I know that whatever they say is just them trying to hurt me. The only person that can hurt me, is me. I am my own worst enemy, just as everyone else is there own worst enemy. No one can hurt you as much as you hurt yourself. It's all a matter of how your mind works. If you don't like the topic, you could have just passed right over it without saying anything. I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live or what to do, I'm just putting this out here.
Wahh Im 21 but have never been in a relationship too or had my first kiss. Idk if u call it a hopeless romantic but I just think if a guy really likes you he can wait. And so far none of the guys who ever told me they liked me was able to wait I also just want a partner who I would feel comfortable wif and who could wait.
I kinda wish that the actual translation from all of the previous chapters was still going on. Whoever took over with updating this story isn't doing such a great job. And why do we need to purchase the book if we want the official translation when it's been free this entire time?
you should be grateful though for real, this person volunteered to update this chapter just for us to read for "free" and it said if u dont like the translation of that person, go buy the book to support the author we're effin reading this FOR FREE FOR FFS dont say
"if we want the official translation when it's been free this entire time?" cuz we're not helping the author, we're reading for free so if you dont like the translation then go find another one dont read this one then this person is not a cleaner or redrawer, she's a translator who's trying its best
me ranting cuz what u said is wrong
can i ask what happened to the previous scanlation team?
they are not currently active tbh, actually idk they didnt announced it to the discord announcement and they just upload when they're done with the chapter like nothing happened and the update they posted are lil by lil...