Chapter 84 was so sad and to think the ex duchess was still alive along with Rania until 3 years ago makes me wonder why he remarried instead of trying to find them. That too he remarried soon after since both brother and sister grew up in the household along with their step brother

Because he couldn't find her at all, judging for the ex duchess to avoid the church for so long, it isn't surprising she avoided the Duke even better, plus Duke didn't want his son to have the label of an abandoned child so he needed to find her fast or said ex duchess is dead.
FL and brother were adopted when FL was 7 so I think Duke remarried a lot later, at least judging with the fact that white haired brother (forgot names) is older that FL and it shows he was pretty small when duchess disappear

I enjoy coming back every few months to reread this story. I do hope that the neighbor’s nephew’s friend’s mother finds a partner of her own—she is really sweet. I also have a feeling that both boys will end up as a couple. I do wonder who the ML’s father was, and it sucks that his mother passed away so young. At least the MC had a loving and caring family, which I found heartwarming.
Interestingly, all the women in this story are either divorced, single, or portrayed in a negative light (e.g., the women he had casual relationships with). His cousin was attractive, but what an ass.
Finally, while rereading, I realized I kind of wished the ML was the uke and the MC was the seme. I enjoyed seeing the ML’s vulnerability and the way the MC took care of him—whether through cuddles, patting him on the head, or soothing his jealousy. Even though it was clear from the beginning who would be more dominant and who more submissive, it would have been interesting to see them switch roles, even for a chapter, knowing the ML is only vulnerable with the MC.
Regardless, I loved watching his nephew and partner bicker over his affection.
I did hope they would have a daughter, but if they made Jessica their daughter I would be just as happy