tap "next" at the top to see the missing (implied) kiss from the raws !
it's so funny how desparate kishiar is to bag yuder. "go out with me...PRETTY PLEASE go out with me....alright then be the deputy commander...okay just sleep with me once...fine be the commander's aide" like bro's just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks
uploader here !! like the notice says, we're currently translator-less if you're fluent in Japanese and would like to help out on this scanlation, pls reply here or message me ty <3
doesnt rly fit here but mafia!iruma’s so child of divorced parents i love rthrm
sihyun rly here thinking he's in a dark psychological kdrama with cheating, prostitution, workplace scandals, deception..........meanwhile joohwan's in like an office sitcom
the most homoerotic way u cld kill ur homie like this is lelouch x suzaku throwback
how much bottom energy do u gotta have for u to be literally railing someone and all the comments are still like "yeahhhh that guy's a bottom.....a switch at best"
atp it's just a matter of what's gonna run out first, eheon's willpower or their backlog of pickup lines
manhua art literally never disappoints (the story, on the other hand...)
i dont even know what panel to save, all of the art and this colour palette is so gorgeous??????
save me siblings who love and hate each other the most in the world.............
doomed siblings save me.....