So, Im not satisfied with a lot of things here but I am most unsatisfied with how Angus ended up with Amber. I know what happened to Amber and Angus is plausible but I am not quite convinced. Maybe because this is shoujo that is why Angus ended with AMber, a girl rather than Yang, a boy. I think Yang is the most suitable and deserving person to be with Angus. Angus was looking for unconditional love which he thought can only be found from Eros and his mom but the only person who proved it exists from outsiders as well was Yang. I know they have been together and never did Angus felt 'something special' for Yang however, after the car accident, he cried so much for someone (Yang) other than himself and his family. On the other hand, I do think he did feel something since he was the only lover in his many lovers who has the key to his apartment. furthermore, at that time he still dont know what love is, as what he said to sugar daddy), For Angus, the car ride was sort of a test for himself and for Yang to see if unconditional love truly exist from others apart from his family, Yang was successful in this. That was the catalyst of him believing something he denied for so long. Yang was the one who let him feel it. Yang was the only outsider to ever open the door in his heart. Even after he lost his memories, after seeing Yang who was just in the background of the picture, he still noticed him and said he felt 'warm' from him. Yang was never even the focus of the pic, he was just photobombing. Furthermore, Angus was the type to be taken care of instead of the one who takes care of. Yang was disabled, it would show that he is capable of taking care of someone else other than himself if he were to be with Yang. Yang wouldn't like that Angus would feel responsible for him because for him it was his own decision out of love but for Angus who was never been able to see others love, it is something new and out of character which makes it more special since it would show how he felt differently towards Yang, it would be his first time to volunteer himself to be with someone who refused his 'kindness'. Unlike the situation with his sugar dadddy, this would not be a deal and would not be forced on Angus instead Yang would even refused him. Even if they do this big change in his character, it would be plausible since Angus' mind reverted to his 12 year old self, pure and naive. He could have been someone who's not shrewd rather warm hearted. Therefore, Angus should have been with Yang.
Im okay with the pairing JaewomXKaram but i just wish Junseo ended up with Youngso. I wish the stroy was longer and it was about them... The the endong would be the five of them or six plus jaewom's bestie's gf hanging out together and just chilling maybe in their college life etc. The ride was fun until it ended.
It was a good read , but im never reading this again. (Hopefully) im dissatisfied with the ending. The emotional toil cannot be erased completely with ending ..although the ending was good. I just didnt like tge aftertaste. But over all, in a straight-gay men relationship. This has been the most realistic ive had in a while. Thats why it is emotionally straining...
Is the alternate world of dojin and hyesung as alpha and beta
These are the originals.