Can someone spoil me?? I can pretty much guess that, that girl, is not the real daughter but a fake. When will it be revealed, and what will happen to the fake?
Body yes, but soul fake. You can read the spoiler here. It sum up everything about her.점괘보는-공녀님.149117/page-3
I fucking Hate Hina, like girl I don't see you trying ur best at all. Like you you are trying ur bes in making him notice ur feelings but that is never, and I mean never enough, you have to tell him or he won't get the message.
I really like the point of Akira and the Fuu, like yeah they pointed out the fact that you must never be too passive about stuff like that and that you also have to take the next step to make the other person notice you.
But overall I'm still rooting for Natsuhi-senpai. Over all I want him to be endgame!! And I also don't understand why author-san made Hina endgame in the novel. No wonder people are mad and dissatisfied. I would have been fine if the endgame was another male character and just end up creating alternative ending for other characters, since I also loved them, aside from Hina (the female annoying character)
Both kids gets taken by the white haired guy and forces/threatened the little boy to use his time power on female lucifer. He ends up using it and ends up having the advantage considering that he does something to the both of them and they became adults. Female lucifer ends up dominating the fight with the white haired guy, and he (the white haired guy), couldn't fight back at the moment.
That is all I could read so far since that was what's available.
I went to the raw site and found out that there are a total of 238 chapters on the main story and side stories are also coming up. I could not read until the end since you have to pay but looking forward to it. Hopefully this will be translated to the very end, including side stories, and would not be stopped halfway.