OMG this manga is sooo good so fuckin good n the female lead omg its beeen a while since i reed a good manga like des everything is sooo good
Ohhhhh maaaa god did he just speak
Why its end so fast
I screamed ds is sooo cuaaaatte n hot
Omg im sure she was a bad bitch before but she changed after married i hope she go back to what she was and teach des rude boy a lesson he’s making me mad
Ewwww how can anybody find this shit romantic
How people find Abusive males attractive in both yaoi and non Yaoi mangas.
Wouhh a lot of emotions
Why this isn’t yuri !
Might be shoujo ai
I don’t understand anything n I don’t wanna think its hard can’t they like explaining des shit more?
Now i want to be a man too
OMG this manga is sooo good so fuckin good n the female lead omg its beeen a while since i reed a good manga like des everything is sooo good