Usually I hate bearding when manwha ends….because I usually thinking “welp here comes another rush ending/story”…but they did a great job with this story!!! The ending wasn’t too rush there weren’t any plot hole!!! The writing was great!!! 10/10!!! Like yall are just great for taking your time and make the story good!! I hate when great stories go to crap towards the end….but they did an excellent just with this work!!! Thank for the great story!!

Love love this story…. Any one know any other similar stories?

Here's where girls are normal and men are lewd m-
(Sorry the story is non smut bdsm)
If u wanna more different femdom here's list
Looking for something similar and that real focus on the fmc being guy and fully acting as one. I suggest reading “Osora” on webtoon. I telling you they did the plot beautifully and I wasn’t as irritated as “camellia” made me.
Tell me how yall think about it after reading. It one of my absolute fav manwha rn!!