The title is literally "The Wicked Queen" lmao were you expecting some naive 'def strong female lead but changes mid story to a shoujo blushing maiden' uwu isekai girl? I actually like the story so far since the girl isnt trying to conform to the cute special snowflake prototype. Though i do agree that the emporer is clearly damaged (by her rip) Imma keep reading bc of the male lead.

If anyone's curious, the web novel is complete. Without the extra arc it was around 60 chapters. Prettt smooth read.

Lol ok
She ends up with the wolf kid(the black haired one) after a lot of events.
More Spoiler*
There was also a pretty cool twist in the end explaining why the Otome game was made with another character that got reborn on earth with memories retained. There is jealousy but also character development as the MC turns them from 2d yandere clones to relatable people. The heroine is a nice girl that ends up having some old spirit fall for her (something like that, read it a while ago) He messed with their dreams so wolf turned phyco-yandere .Think along the lines. "I Can't imagine my life with you turning your back to me. So should I just kill you now? " MC reconciles with wolfgang because she says she loves him and her doing that stuff to him is impossible. There is even and extra arc for the heck of it.
The story's very well developed unlike some other reborn story where they just wanna be a nun or commoner and end up with a harem. Girl attacked the situation to get what she wanted .I just skimmed over bits of it. I recommend you still read it.
They missed the oppurtunity to name it "Sexercise"
That's the real title tho