As someone who has a brother 16yrs younger than me, I get what Byul feels fr. There's something called "only child syndrome" basically being spoiled, overly sensitive, selfish, lonely are all characteristics of it. I had a very bad bout of it when I found out my stepmom was pregnant, I didn't meet my little brother until he was 6 months old. Things are fine now but yeah, I get you byul... I really do...
I just need a clarification, ive reread this... twice in the last week bc idk I've followed it since the beginning and it's one of the only series I've actually memorized the name of the charas lmfao. Anyway, is the surgery yi-rim got to help with his hormonal imbalance? I've had my own head aches the last two weeks so putting one and two together has been harder. P sure I'm right, just wanna double check.
Seven seas do your thing and license this plz I need hard copies
Agreed!!! Ima need hard copies and a anime adaptation