Oof... I can't lol... as someone who had to put down (not by choice but for them to no longer be in pain) two animals in the last year and a half... yeah I clicked out when the dog kept walking towards him because a dog is always loyal and obedient until the end, especially to an owner that showed it nothing but love. That really did need a trigger warning. I've read a lot of fucked up shit and I know it's fictional, it still hurts.

Oof... close to tears and my chest feels so tight, this story is so well done and the plot moves very well and portrays mental health in such a... good way? Like, the negatives of trauma and mental illness from a very realistic perspective. Man I think the stories also always hit harder when you can relate (im diagnosed with multiple mental health conditions including ptsd).
Remember to take things in stride everyone, one day at a time.

I'm in love with the art, Chaon deserves so much better, and I'm really over the obsessive manipulative aggressive tops... fr... I think it's okay to be obsessive when it's healthy, like I've seen so many cute series where the couple is obsessed with one another but it is pure love not tainted... not being forced to do s*xual things when they don't wanna. I found this today and read it and yeah... maybe I'll come back layer but Sehan really urks me... he's hot and tough but he's a very not good partner.

This is my top bl I look forward to updating every week, I love the two mc's, the complexity of them, the development. My boys... I just want them to find some happiness (Minjae is slowly, slowly but surely).
But I'm about to throw his adoptive brothers off a bridge or put em on a long long trip to Antarctica. They can truly fuck off...

IM CRYING SO MUCH MY PETS ARE CONCERNED! IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM! IM SO HAPPY!!! We waited so long for this but in all honesty it was perfect, I think this was perfect for both of their goals and it was perfect for Shin to not have to say "well... we have all these things to accomplish still" and Wolfgang realized that. Even though they bad to wait so many years, they were able to go through all the challenges of life, all the life and death situations, and they survived, for themselves to prove to themselves that they could do it, to their people, and to one another. What a beautiful ending. I'll be thinking about this for many many many days to come!

I know the parents didn't mean wrong by what they were doing, literally the mother and father make me really happy because of how much they care for all three of the kids and love each other. Sh*t is gonna go down in the next chapter, but I just wanted to say that I want this mother and father duo to be happy 5ever but this is a reincarnation story and... sigh... knock on wood
Honestly this writing, art, story building, character development is god tier. Truly I'm so happy for the two of them, for helping Rupard settle with his trauma and heal years of grief, to Noah simply learning an entire new lifestyle openly and happily, sensing lose, but being able to process that. I'm happy with this if it is the ending, it feels very nicely wrapped up and though I'd love more, if this is it, at least I know they are together forever ;v;