Okkie Okkie some people say that the killer is the dad and so I thought of some stuff.....
what if the killer was trying to kill the uke????
Cuz the killer is killing people with short black hair and white skin and the killing started 4 months ago and 4 months ago was when they did it.... maybe he is searching for the uke????cuz maybe the killer doesn’t want the child to be born or if his identity would be exposed or something
Okay when writing this I realised how stupid I am....
during 1st chapter the seme seemed to know the uke so why would he search for the uke when he can just go meet with him....(that sounds weird but you know) and if the killer wanted to kill the uke he would have done it after doing it together.
It’s late my mind is working right.... tho it was funny

I think some one from the palace royal family or an uncountance of the mc's knows about the pregnancy and is trying to hide it maybe one of the other dukes...maybe the man how the uke had sex with wasn't the one how drugged him maybe he found him dazed in some ally(after being drugged by the true killer ) horny or something and helped him or when the killer was about to do the do and ravich him the seme(I believe the princess) stepped iinland rescued him ...maybe the doctor is the killer

Spoiler spoilers... me no understand Korean but here is what I know
Nothing important other than the cute scenes of our MCs together and that the ML turns back to human in chap 24..... it’s probably temporary of course... I think it might be because she kissed him on the lip.... they were about to sleep then she kissed then fell asleep then she wakes up in the mid of night and BOOOM HOT DUDE
Everyone saying the bodyguard is bad and some are asking why so here is what I know from raws
The bodyguard is the ex-“lover” who we all thought died (in disguise.... and he is probably a vampire now) ....The seme’s blood must have mixed in with his and survived. He has an obsession with the uke or wants revenge..,, IM NOT SURE BECAUSE I NO SPEAK KOREN XD just pictures
just made me so anxious !!!),: i want him to live a happy live ! ugh
yo this is the worst possible scenario (⊙…⊙ )
Same,, i was so shock when I found out urghhhhh