hHmmMmm created a topic of When Pear Blossoms Bloom

I binged all the raw chapters. Judging from how longer and spicier the smut scenes are from one over the other ml, it's very clear who's the author's favorite
It's the black haired guy. Not to mention, at the last chapter. After all the revelation and misunderstanding have been resolved; brown haired guy asks the uke, who he chooses from either of them. It's always the one who asks that regrets it, cue a love forlorn manhandled and maltreated uke running back from their highly strung man. Truly what makes one's heart raised and delighted. BUT, there's a chance, there is a huge possibility that we might get a poly ending. Both the leads have an equal amount of smut scenes with the uke. Which is actually rare, no, this is simply unprecedented. Assuming this is a love triangle trope. Usually the author only gives a smidge of pity sex to the 2nd ml, just enough to make the reader raise a bloodcurdling scream in the void, mourning for the death of the better lead. We might just reach for the stars with this one.

hHmmMmm created a topic of Kami no Fune de Nemuru

As a person, I'm ecstatic for the happy ending. But as a reader, it left me with a bad taste in mouth. All the grit and tension building up throughout the two volumes, only to end up with this? It is rather anticlimactic, the intensity and anticipation I was feeling every chapter; gone without a trace in that last chapter. It felt like I was witnessing a different story.

something about a guy so bad for u, he gets so hard at the slightest touch or words...

Man wtf, I didn't expect one bit of everything here. Judging from the name alone, I thought it was ur average, run of the mill smut yaoi. Wow, I've been reading for so long, and for so much. It's been so long since I last felt this way. Words cant describe how good this was.

I always had a type; one thing that has been constant in my life. And has never changed. Cant believe i will even say this but man, I want a man like that

hHmmMmm created a topic of Shujuu no Saga

This was so bad it was good. I hope I never remember this