Man, this new generation of kids is pure insanity. What has happened to deeper comprehension, and a comparative assessment of literature?? Won is not a "pedophile". From the etymology itself, pedophile, it is attraction to pre-pubescent children. I'm not defending the author nor the character, this is analysis of the context. Won has not shown any tendencies with being attracted to any children. Won is attracted with the existence of the person that has shown him kindness during the darkest period of his life, which is unfortunately Jinha. He doesn't like kids, he's not sexually attracted to undeveloped bodies. It was pure coincidence. It could be anyone, a senile man, a cute puppy, a busty lady. It didn't matter. Jinha just happened to be there.
Pedophilia is a mental disorder that is diagnosed. Not because you 'think' or 'feel' it is. Just because someone is coughing and showing signs of asthma; he has asthma. You are not a doctor. These overused of medical terms is becoming a huge issue.