Man, this new generation of kids is pure insanity. What has happened to deeper comprehension, and a comparative assessment of literature?? Won is not a "pedophile". From the etymology itself, pedophile, it is attraction to pre-pubescent children. I'm not defending the author nor the character, this is analysis of the context. Won has not shown any tendencies with being attracted to any children. Won is attracted with the existence of the person that has shown him kindness during the darkest period of his life, which is unfortunately Jinha. He doesn't like kids, he's not sexually attracted to undeveloped bodies. It was pure coincidence. It could be anyone, a senile man, a cute puppy, a busty lady. It didn't matter. Jinha just happened to be there.
Pedophilia is a mental disorder that is diagnosed. Not because you 'think' or 'feel' it is. Just because someone is coughing and showing signs of asthma; he has asthma. You are not a doctor. These overused of medical terms is becoming a huge issue.

The term isn’t being misused. Yes, it’s psychological like many others are, but it does not deter the fact that it is pedophilia. If you are attracted to someone who is younger than 18 years old, that is what’s characterized as pedophilia. Although there are specific terms for specific age ranges. Like yes, he was infatuated with him due to the fact that he was the only one who showed him kindness while he was being abused but that doesn’t matter. Once that scene where he made the older brother wear his younger brothers clothes to imagine and fulfill a sexual fantasy when Jinha was like wat 14? That’s exactly what it became…. pedophilia. Both of these things are true lmao it’s clear what the deeper analysis of the story is but that doesn’t make it not pedophilia everybody knows this.

It's not pedophilia, if it was; the moment Jinha matured into a young adult, as he is, in the current timeline. Won should've already lost interest in him, he did not. Because he's in fact not a "pedophile," he was never interested with underdeveloped bodies. He may not be attracted to children but he was indeed a sexual predator. They may be mutually inclusive, but they aren't synonymous.

Yeah, technically it's not pedophilia but we aren't here to argue about semantics. We both know what we meant. Won is indeed showing signs of predatory behavior, but he wasn't preying on him specifically because he was a child.
Cop murders a black man ≠ cop is racist. Both events may happen at the same time, but it doesn't mean that the two are homogeneous. Cop may murder a black man because he was racist but just because a cop murdered a black man he is then racist.
Looking back at Won, he was indeed preying on his savior, Jinha. Jinha maybe a middle schooler, but he did not prey on him specifically because he was a middle schooler. Both events may happen at the same time but they aren't equivalent.

When someone can't argue, they hurl insults at the other party then make up scenarios and speculations to antagonize them. Just so they are "right" in their little heads and the other party is unreasonable and evil. Not taking any external criticism, because they are 'superior' and therefore infallible.

So where do you draw the line with that? Even when he turned the 14 yr old into a sexual fantasy u don’t consider that phedophilla so what do you call that tho? Would u have the same attitude if he was 9 instead of 14?? I feel like his circumstances still doesn’t negate the fact that it’s pedophilia. Like I need to know where you’re coming from.

but he IS preying on an actual child. like, the person he’s actively preying on is a child. he is a child predator.
it’s more like, cop murders black man = cop is a murderer. the cop quite literally, actually took a life. he killed someone. he might not have killed that black man because he’s black, but he did kill him.
non-pedophiles don’t actively continue to have sexual feelings about someone once they learn that person is a child. they STOP pursuing that child. PEDOPHILES do not. that’s the difference here.

they’re not coming from anywhere they probably just want to justify won’s actions in their head to be able to continue to ship them with a clean conscience lol. like i genuinely don’t get this. “he IS preying on a 14 year old, but he isn’t doing that because of the fact that he’s 14. calling him a pedo is where i draw the line!!!!!”

he’s TECHNICALLY not a pedo tho!!! even tho if he had acted on his desires and had a relationship with a 14 year old jinha, we would’ve been found guilty in a court of law, he’s not a pedo!!!!! same brand of flawed thinking as saying “nooooo! u can’t say you’re anxious if you don’t have a clinical diagnosis of anxiety from a board certified psychiatrist!”

I binged all the raw chapters. Judging from how longer and spicier the smut scenes are from one over the other ml, it's very clear who's the author's favorite
It's the black haired guy. Not to mention, at the last chapter. After all the revelation and misunderstanding have been resolved; brown haired guy asks the uke, who he chooses from either of them. It's always the one who asks that regrets it, cue a love forlorn manhandled and maltreated uke running back from their highly strung man. Truly what makes one's heart raised and delighted. BUT, there's a chance, there is a huge possibility that we might get a poly ending. Both the leads have an equal amount of smut scenes with the uke. Which is actually rare, no, this is simply unprecedented. Assuming this is a love triangle trope. Usually the author only gives a smidge of pity sex to the 2nd ml, just enough to make the reader raise a bloodcurdling scream in the void, mourning for the death of the better lead. We might just reach for the stars with this one.

As a person, I'm ecstatic for the happy ending. But as a reader, it left me with a bad taste in mouth. All the grit and tension building up throughout the two volumes, only to end up with this? It is rather anticlimactic, the intensity and anticipation I was feeling every chapter; gone without a trace in that last chapter. It felt like I was witnessing a different story.

The symbolism and the background of the mc, his parents story. The small tidbits of flashbacks from the past, the conflict, rendezvous and interconnection with the demonic entity. How he struggled with the relationship w the ml, and his self sacrifice; the sex w a rando just to push the him away in order to protect him. Everything was building up on the eventual climax, how is he saving him— them. How is he gonna liberate themselves from the inescapable 'curse' that has haunted not just them, but also the generation before them, the mcs parents. The whole plot was simply thrown out of the window in that last chapter. Practically, disregarded and omitted. His demon suddenly went non existent? Ml suddenly leaving w no indication and just leaving a single note? The whole characterization of the ml was essentially, stubborn, unwilling and even obsessive. He left just like that, a severe mischaracterization. There's so much more but I'm gonna put a halt. It's like the author suddenly lost all the drive, just passed any shit before hitting the deadline. Im severely disappointed, w his other work already being a classic, at least according to my acumen. This becoming a book that is just good, one that makes you feel good but shelved forever and maybe forgotten in the passage of time. Not, that one would seem to reread, to relive the sheer experience of the ride.

i feel like a lot of the things that you criticized have an explanation. kei’s demon didn’t just suddenly cease, the point was he was never a demon in the first place, and instead his childhood guild and repressed memories that he was never able to process properly. once he uncovered those, he was able to finally let go of what was haunting him the whole time. as for youichi leaving, i feel like he HAD to in order for kei to proceed with his plan to expose the president. youichi knew that kei wanted to protect him so he left so kei wouldn’t hold back anymore. he was able to go through with fighting back without any fear that youichi would get hurt. definitely not out of character and instead shows character development for them.

Man wtf, I didn't expect one bit of everything here. Judging from the name alone, I thought it was ur average, run of the mill smut yaoi. Wow, I've been reading for so long, and for so much. It's been so long since I last felt this way. Words cant describe how good this was.
I always had a type; one thing that has been constant in my life. And has never changed. Cant believe i will even say this but man, I want a man like that
Man after three years, it seems like it's finally ending. Years gone by in a flash, I feel so old. I followed every update fervently, now I can't even bring myself opening the last few chapters