keeping true to reality.. grooming etc like this happens irl. it happens. the author didnt romanticise the subject and instead showed rejection towards it in the end, showing kurumi's demise as she accepted how her life was now in a desperate attempt to keep everyone happy... super well made props to the author for spreading awareness in such a way that wasnt "owo omg grooming is so cute" but instead completely liable.

sarah pisses me off. sometimes the shit she does just really makes me mad... she gets so rude and self centred especially when elios is vulnerable around her... just my opinion tho

i just finished it and... the beginning is nice but after about midway it starts to become boring and just not really my cup of tea... i know a lot of people like this and more will come to like it but i have to say that this just wasnt for me... good work to the author tho! beautiful art and the concept is super nice!
idk man the story had so much plot and it was so cool but now its just "owo romance!" which i get and im not mad at it dont get my wrong but its one of the comics i genuinely liked the story to rip. still gonna keep reading <3 but its a shame it shifted to pure romance and tension
Now the plot is FL struggles to get some D. And honestly I ain’t complaining cause I really want them to finally sleep together
honestly i live for a smut scene... im waiting *sob...del so cute..
Ikr? Imma be so mad if they skip over it