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OtakuZombie July 9, 2021 12:54 am

the kid is a little shit I'll give him that and in the past life he grew up into a complete douche but-
am i the only one hoping he gets a proper punishment and straightens out? like.. he's still a kid and he can still be set straight. most of his behavior is just due to shitty parenting so if grandpa can step in and correct that he might have a chance at a better future.

OtakuZombie December 7, 2020 8:49 pm

can't we just have an average looking mc for once? does every single one need to magically become pretty?? rather than suddenly being liked because she's pretty i feel like it'd be better if the mc found people to like her for her personality, it just sounds superficial if the turning point for people to start liking her is "oh she's pretty now".

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years later and I finally make a profile....

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