keilover November 28, 2016 2:47 pm

I think miyoshi was just telling the manager that he was goinna have to keep buying him/paying him for a longer while since the other guy is hooked on him

keilover November 24, 2016 4:15 pm

A 14 coin bundle is at only 3 dollars right now, and every chapter is 3 coins, that would be 3 chapters for 3 dollars. Plus they're giving you 7 extra coins if you buy the standard 4 dollar 14 coin bundle which would be 21 coins for 4 dollars... which is 7 chapters for four dollars and it helps the author!

ilovekei October 17, 2016 4:35 pm

I loved that sex scene and the sneak-into-his-room-through-the-balcony setting ♡ is nice

ilovekei October 1, 2016 12:55 am

I was hoping he was pretending to be asleep and aware of everything... it wouldve been better...

ilovekei August 17, 2016 7:44 am

All i see is people complainimg about the "slutty" mio.. when all hes done is hook up with 1 guy so far when he clearly isn't even in a relationship with shino... people do that, people hook up with other people, it doesnt have to be the love of their life.... shinos the one that gave me the creeps jerking off to mio and the other guy havig sex in the bathroom, now who does THAT!! lol

    Anonymous August 17, 2016 8:22 am

    Well, if you are in love with someone don't sleep with someone else. Wait until you settle things, sleeping around is being slutty. Sex should be with someone you've got feelings for, like being emotionally attached first.

    ⋆⭐Bitches Be Crazay⭐⋆ August 17, 2016 9:21 am

    "jerking off to mio and the other guy having sex in the bathroom"

    good point (/O/./O/)

    Anonymous August 17, 2016 10:41 am
    Well, if you are in love with someone don't sleep with someone else. Wait until you settle things, sleeping around is being slutty. Sex should be with someone you've got feelings for, like being emotionally att... @Anonymous

    this goes to show that you sure like to idealize people! why is it so bad to sleep with someone else if you aren't in an relationship in the first place???? Why is sex only for after being in love with someone?? You cant BETRAY someone who you're not having relationship with. Not everyone has the privilege to be with the one they love in the first place! Thats childish,naive, narrowminded view.

    PrincessSakurai August 17, 2016 11:03 am
    Well, if you are in love with someone don't sleep with someone else. Wait until you settle things, sleeping around is being slutty. Sex should be with someone you've got feelings for, like being emotionally att... @Anonymous

    usually i dont get involved with these types of fights in here, but i thought this was actually hilarious. It doesnt make u a slut to sleep with someone you have no feelings for, or who you might not even know at all. Some people dont want any emotional connection and there is nothing wrong with that, it doesnt make you a ''slut'' as you say. And in this case, he isnt doing anything wrong. Just because he's in love with someone doesnt mean that the guy shouldnt have sex at all

    Anonymous August 17, 2016 12:22 pm

    There are 12-14 years old kids over here, so as an adult I have to say the correct point of view. Don't sleep with someone in the bathroom or anyone just anyone. Once you've grown up do whatever the heck you want. If that manga is about a girl and the girl is getting fucked in the bathroom you'd say she's irresponsible slut. But because he's gay and wont have kids you side with him. He can sleep with someone who isn't his lover, while loving someone else, but I don't see that as the correct way of living and here in the comments section we can say what's right and what's wrong freely. I like the story and it's fictional but when people say the Uke is a slut, they're not judgmental bastards.
    Sex with your husband/lover only doesn't make one a child and naive that's the correct way of living. If you're an adult do whatever you want no one should judge you
    Also if it was the Seme sleeping around with girls we will call him a slut as well, sleeping around is never good, STDs and if anything goes wrong an unwanted child who will suffer will be the victim.
    P.s I respect your point of view and I'm not arguing. But notice there are kids in this website who if we don't say what's right from what's wrong they would subconsciously think it's ok to sleep around. That's all there is to it.

    nicadareas August 17, 2016 12:43 pm
    There are 12-14 years old kids over here, so as an adult I have to say the correct point of view. Don't sleep with someone in the bathroom or anyone just anyone. Once you've grown up do whatever the heck you wa... @Anonymous

    I wouldn't call anyone an irresponsible slut for any reason. No matter what people think, it's immature and just down right rude to resort to name calling because someone does something in THEIR life that you don't agree with. As far as stating the "right" response, not everyone shares the same values, so that, too, is subjective. The only true "right" response for anyone, whether they're 14 or 34, is that they should be responsible, safe, and true to themselves. Don't make the decisions to do those kind of things lightly or based on what your friends are doing. A person should only decide based on what they themselves believe to be acceptable, whether that means only having one partner their entire life or never settling down. Just remember to be safe and get regular checkups.

    akuma_river August 17, 2016 2:34 pm It's NOT just one guy.

    Look back at chapter 2. All those guys near Mio? Commenting about him in weird ways? Asking where he is? The soft touches?

    Mio's been using the bathroom as his brothel since day one.

    I have no issue with 'free love' but he's not just fucking other guys to feed his needs and deal with his unrequited love for Shino. He's fucking guys he and Shino works with and even for and not to mention clients for the business.

    This is really sketchy shit that could get them all fired. And since it seems like Shino is getting promotions around this time...maybe the guys think Shino is pimping out Mio for his own gains.

    Might explain Aoyama's pissyness at Shino.

    As for Shino, he's having a bi crisis. He's awakened to the fact he might be in love with Mio or it might be lust or something in between. This is the first time he has pleasured himself over Mio...and I don't think he likes it.

    He's been feeling jealous for a while now. He knows that Mio is sleeping around with other guys. He looks at those guys and compares himself (like with Aoyama) and he asks why can't it be him.

    And he's trying to understand what is going on within him, he's had sexy thoughts about Mio and he's attempted to pleasure himself before but things have stopped it. He goes to the bathroom to try to think about things, but here comes Mio with some dude and they fuck right by him and it's here he realizes it is love. But it's unrequited.

    Yeah Mio is single and can fuck who he wants.

    The only thing I'm judging Mio on is that he's fucking Shino's coworkers, bosses, and clients and this is going to blow back on Shino.

    YaoiSanctuary August 17, 2016 2:48 pm It's NOT just one guy.Look back at chapter 2. All those guys near Mio? Commenting about him in weird ways? Asking where he is? The soft touches?Mio's been using the bathroom as his brothel since day on... akuma_river

    OMG... All makes sense now... Σ(っ°Д °;)っNow that I think about it...
    If it's really what you think, then the following chapter will reveal big events (or not...?).
    I hope some common sense will be show up from Shino before an ultimate disappointment from this yaoi.

    And don't forget the guy(s) with whom Mio cheated with on his ex-girlfriend.

    YaoiSanctuary August 17, 2016 2:51 pm
    There are 12-14 years old kids over here, so as an adult I have to say the correct point of view. Don't sleep with someone in the bathroom or anyone just anyone. Once you've grown up do whatever the heck you wa... @Anonymous

    200 % AGREE

    YaoiSanctuary August 17, 2016 3:15 pm
    I wouldn't call anyone an irresponsible slut for any reason. No matter what people think, it's immature and just down right rude to resort to name calling because someone does something in THEIR life that you d... nicadareas

    I don't want to start a fight, but following what you told (" is that they should be responsible, safe, and true to themselves."), in this case, then what are for you - the criterias and descriptions - to be "responsible, safe, and true to themselves" ?
    If people begin to call someone "slut", it's not also for any reason or to bully, some times, that's because the person is precisely acting like a slut, sleeping around and have no fixed partner... Whatever the open-minds and all the tolerant hearts, it's not a great thing to act like some easygoing person and body, and it's definitely not a good exemple to show to people whatever their age.
    I don't care about the personal reasons or struggles those persons may carry with them deep in them, but to be able to be responsible, safe, and true to themselves is also to be respectful to yourself firtsly, treat your body and spirit well. To be able to be respected and stay safe throughout the life, some human qualities as person, limits, some duties as need to be maintained.

    Where a slutty life can lead us to ? If one person find himself catching some STDS, will he just be say : "Well, it was a bad luck, but I was true to myself at least...".
    It isn't even about moral and morality, it's about common sense.

    xyz August 17, 2016 3:19 pm
    200 % AGREE YaoiSanctuary

    300% AGREE

    YaoiSanctuary August 17, 2016 3:46 pm
    300% AGREE xyz

    Thank you so much ! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    I want to add that this is fiction, and yaoi with yaoi logic most of the time (any excuse to lead to a lemonesque scene...), most of the time lack of basic common sense or morality.

    Where I can screaming "slut" or "bicth" !! in the comment section, I won't do it IRL if I were encountered such person (even if I already did...) and behavior. I also hate bullying such people, and would take their defense if they're attacked. It's not because they behave like whores that they should be stoned.
    Name calling isn't right, that's true, but here we're in a fictional section, where fangirls would fangirling or raging depending on the story and their humor. I'm glad to see how reveal the personality of my fellow yaoists in this kind of story.

    IRL I won't call or treat someone badly, even if he catched STD by sleeping with anybody, but I won't think less. And for me, it's definitely not a good person.

    nicadareas August 17, 2016 3:51 pm
    I don't want to start a fight, but following what you told (" is that they should be responsible, safe, and true to themselves."), in this case, then what are for you - the criterias and descriptions - to be "r... YaoiSanctuary

    Just what exactly is the problem with having more than one sex partner? As long as you're safe (i.e. using protection so no STDs and no unplanned pregnancies) and you're not lying to anyone (i.e. in a relationship but saying you're not or giving others the expectation of becoming more than just sex partners), I really don't see how it's an issue at all. To me THAT is being responsible. A person's sex life is no one's business but their own and their partners' for that moment in time. I absolutely hate the labels "slut" or "whore" and will not judge someone else on what is none of my business. As far as the story goes, I do not get overly upset over what a fictional character does.

    nicadareas August 17, 2016 3:55 pm
    Just what exactly is the problem with having more than one sex partner? As long as you're safe (i.e. using protection so no STDs and no unplanned pregnancies) and you're not lying to anyone (i.e. in a relations... nicadareas

    After rereading my response, that came across sounding harsher than I meant for it to. I'm not trying to start an argument either. I just wanted to add my opinion and another perspective. Sorry. It's very hard to convey tone well in text form.

    YaoiSanctuary August 17, 2016 4:37 pm
    Just what exactly is the problem with having more than one sex partner? As long as you're safe (i.e. using protection so no STDs and no unplanned pregnancies) and you're not lying to anyone (i.e. in a relations... nicadareas

    You didn't reply to me : what is for you being responsible and true, truly ?
    Following your thoughts, one can say :
    "I just want to fuck someone, I don't feel anything for you, can you understand this ?"
    Is this really right for you ?
    Are there so many people like this in this world, really ? Thoughless, who sleep around feeding their body, ignoring the feelings of others, being used like some sexual objects ?

    Mistreating people labelled as slut is not a good thing to do, but in the other hand, the world where you want to dragg us isn't safe either : a world with not limitation, no morals, no ethics.
    Too much liberty or tolerance given to this kind of behavior will lead our humanity to nowhere, and you know that also I think. Even animals have decency.

    When a person is a teen or a growing human, we can still teach to him/her some morals, take the time to explain what is right, what is wrong... but if it's a grown adult who supposed to act responsible, believe me that in most case,
    people won't feel pity nor show understanding towards this kind. This is real life, not yaoiworld with fujoshis or fudans.
    We obviously don't share at all the same view in life and in love life, and I doubt we'll ever be agree in such case. But I respect your opinion, and you have to not irgnore mine.

    It is true that condom can protect people from many diseases, though it is not also completety safe : it can ripp off, and STD like HPV can pass through condom.

    Anonymous August 17, 2016 4:44 pm
    Just what exactly is the problem with having more than one sex partner? As long as you're safe (i.e. using protection so no STDs and no unplanned pregnancies) and you're not lying to anyone (i.e. in a relations... nicadareas

    There is no 100% safe sex. Best way to be safe isnot to sleep around at all lol. Example try to sleep with someone and after they're done they say " I have HIV but I was using protection so you're safe" that could be fatal. All we're saying just because we're siding our main character which we like, let's not defend a wrong behavior which unintentionally may cause damage to some naive little girls/guys on this site. That's all :)

    ilovekei August 17, 2016 7:20 pm

    Replying to all... im not telling kids to sleep around and 12 and 14yo are not supposed to be here sorry.... now all i see is the people looking for other reasons to hate on mio and his behaviour... unprotected sex and bathroom sex (and trust me in not fond of these) are things any responsible adult know the risks of but some still do it ... im just saying a yaoi manga is not a life lesson people, i bet it would still be a problem if mio had had sex with that guy in a bed and protected just cause hes not sleeping with the main love interest who is Shino. And no... if it was a girl who is doing what shino is doing i wouldn't think any differently lol and about waiting for their love and stuff... im sorry ... for us gay people even more so... not all of us have the privilege of being with the person we love... stop looking for other reasons! Youre just bothered mios not EXCLUSIVELY for shino

    Anonymous August 17, 2016 7:27 pm
    Replying to all... im not telling kids to sleep around and 12 and 14yo are not supposed to be here sorry.... now all i see is the people looking for other reasons to hate on mio and his behaviour... unprotected... ilovekei

    We heteros don't also have that privilege either. There are many heteros who are unmarried ( Single forever personally) It's called a plot when the MCs sleep with different people for various reasons, we're cool. But we can't justify sleeping around unless some emotions are involved. If one tries dating seriously with time and sex some feelings will develop and will become strong and lasting ones. This goes for whatever sexuality you are as long as you take your time picking a partner.

    YaoiSanctuary August 17, 2016 7:54 pm
    Replying to all... im not telling kids to sleep around and 12 and 14yo are not supposed to be here sorry.... now all i see is the people looking for other reasons to hate on mio and his behaviour... unprotected... ilovekei

    Have not personal hate towards this poor ass slutty Mio for other reasons than he's being a complete nymphomaniac idiot. With how many dudes did he sleep with before coming at his friend's place as "last resort" ? He makes it looks like he has no other place to go, but in reality, he's being fooling around.

    It doesn't have to be the Seme, and it's even not the fact that he has sex with another man. Like I told, he can tries to find another lover, a stable one, and fall in love again. This story can goes also this way. Though what he does is completely irrelevant : he has sex with problably many partners, has O regard or consideration for his friend Shino.
    At the same time, he's supposed to love his friend, WTH ? ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
    No one says that this is real life, but such things happen also IRL as we all know.

    And we all know what is Yaoi, no need so much brain to know how it works most of the time.
    Most people like hardcore yaoi. Most people LOVE yaoi which can touch their heart.
    And this one just miss it.

    ilovekei August 17, 2016 9:35 pm

    What are you even talking about now honestly.... im sorry i wont argue anymore this makes no sense

    YaoiSanctuary August 17, 2016 9:53 pm
    What are you even talking about now honestly.... im sorry i wont argue anymore this makes no sense ilovekei

    This is the kind of excuse that give loosers, when they don't have any more arguments.

    YaoiSanctuary August 17, 2016 10:05 pm

    What am I talking about ? I'm sure that if we read the same story and if you use a bit your brain, EVEN you can understand.

    nicadareas August 17, 2016 10:55 pm
    You didn't reply to me : what is for you being responsible and true, truly ?Following your thoughts, one can say :"I just want to fuck someone, I don't feel anything for you, can you understand this ?"Is this r... YaoiSanctuary

    Well, of course the only completely safe sex is abstinence, but if you are going to be sexually active with the possibility of more than one partner, then what I described is about the most responsible way to go about it. I'm not saying that your way of thinking is wrong either. For many people, it is the only conceivable way of having a sex life. All I'm saying is that way doesn't work for everyone, and we shouldn't condemn it just because we wouldn't choose to live that way. Morals differ from person to person. They are a very personal thing and can vary greatly depending on environment and upbringing. We should not judge someone else's life based on our morals.

    ilovekei August 18, 2016 6:11 am
    What am I talking about ? I'm sure that if we read the same story and if you use a bit your brain, EVEN you can understand. YaoiSanctuary

    Maybe it was cause of my lack of interest while reading but i couldnt quite catch what you were getting at in what you last wrote.. sorry, thats why i asked what u were talking about... but enough of that honestly why are you so offended? Why are u making it personal hinting that i dont use my brain and calling me a loser? LOL we both crearly have different opinions and no matter what i say or you say wed still stand by what we believe... if deciding not to keep on writing paragraphs for u to read and look for what to disagree on is what losers do then i am one... its whatever.. i really really don't want to keep on arguing

    YaoiSanctuary August 18, 2016 7:42 am
    Well, of course the only completely safe sex is abstinence, but if you are going to be sexually active with the possibility of more than one partner, then what I described is about the most responsible way to ... nicadareas

    "We should not judge someone else's life based on our morals."
    It's not really judging someone else based on our morals. Life is morals. And judgment is part of life. In order to determine the good from the wrong, a person needs to judge a situation and make his/her decision following this. That person can also deny what is good or is seen as favorable by the society and choose another path.

    He has the choice to do whatever he does, but he can't also complain that another person won't see him with good eyes or judge him the way he doesn't want. This is also called to be responsible of your actions and assume them. The same way, people with your opinion can't avoid this kind of judgment on these people.
    And I'll say again : judging is not bullying nor stoning.
    Living following a sain and safe life doesn't necessarly mean to follow the mass, it's also to be respectful towards yourself as person, firstly.
    Not forgetting that many of this kind of loose life often lead to a destructive, auto-destructive or abusing path.
    We know different lifestyles, I'll always choose to favor the good path over the wrong and will always speak for it for my part.

    ilovekei August 18, 2016 8:00 am
    Well, of course the only completely safe sex is abstinence, but if you are going to be sexually active with the possibility of more than one partner, then what I described is about the most responsible way to ... nicadareas

    Im so with you on everything youve said

    YaoiSanctuary August 18, 2016 8:04 am
    Maybe it was cause of my lack of interest while reading but i couldnt quite catch what you were getting at in what you last wrote.. sorry, thats why i asked what u were talking about... but enough of that hones... ilovekei

    I reply twice because I didn't see that it went on the second page and thought that my connexion had a problem.

    "Maybe it was cause of my lack of interest while reading..." Then, how about giving to it a seconf reading, and a full thought ?
    (The same way, you surely read what I wrote without interest).
    You can't just say "well, he can't get this, so he just does that..." without being a bit serious. Usually, I don't give so much of my time for a yaoi, but here I feel the necessity to voice this opinion.
    In the end, it may be just BL and fictional world, though many people spend all their time on those sites, and whatever we can say, people often voice their principles through this, and those voices will always influence a bit the young generation.

    I just hope that you talk with your mind and heart in this kind of discussion.

    YaoiSanctuary August 18, 2016 8:06 am

    "Im so with you on everything youve said"

    Sure that you're not the only one to form this other clan lol.

    ilovekei August 18, 2016 8:21 am
    "Im so with you on everything youve said"Sure that you're not the only one to form this other clan lol. YaoiSanctuary

    YaoiSanctuary you are HILARIOUS .. quoting me and everything ♡ the other reply you wrote once again seemed like a pointless bunch of words to me and trust me i tried understanding but failed once again... you have been great entertainment for the night but now im really done replying to you

    YaoiSanctuary August 18, 2016 8:46 am
    YaoiSanctuary you are HILARIOUS .. quoting me and everything ♡ the other reply you wrote once again seemed like a pointless bunch of words to me and trust me i tried understanding but failed once again... you... ilovekei

    It would have been more difficult, in your case, if I didn't quote you I'm sure ;)

    BTW, it wasn't my main purpose to entertain anyone and I have better things to do than "entertain" you, but let's take that like this since we'll never share the same view on that kind of topic anyway.

    nicadareas August 18, 2016 1:20 pm
    "We should not judge someone else's life based on our morals."It's not really judging someone else based on our morals. Life is morals. And judgment is part of life. In order to determine the good from the wron... YaoiSanctuary

    "Life is Morals. Judgment is a part of life." While this statement may be true to some extent, it still equates to a difference in opinion in how to live your life. All your set of morals and beliefs give a person is the right to make decisions about your own life; it does not give you the right to make decisions on someone else's life. For example, someone doesn't believe homosexuality is the correct way to live, but all that really means is that they can make sure they themselves aren't homosexual. That doesn't give them the right to tell everyone else not to be homosexual. In this manner, the judgments made about others should really only be in reference to whether or not a person is willing to have that aspect being judged as a part of their own life, not condemn and insult the other person for choosing to do whatever it is in that person's life (please understand I am only referring to things that bring no harm to others).

    YaoiSanctuary August 18, 2016 1:41 pm
    "Life is Morals. Judgment is a part of life." While this statement may be true to some extent, it still equates to a difference in opinion in how to live your life. All your set of morals and beliefs give a per... nicadareas

    I wonder how many doors are needed to be open untill some people will be satisfied with the idea of tolerance.
    And this comes from a tolerant person that I think I am.
    If homosexuality is okay nowadays for many countries and more and more become tolerant and open to this, the base remain the same : some morals are needed to be kept for the sake of humanity. Unless people would tell me that gay people/homosexuals have no morals or limitations. So homosexuality isn't really an issue here, and no more nowadays.
    BTW, "making decisions for others" isn't possible. Even as parents, it's impossible to force your child to not doing things you disagree with. So as an outsider, it'll be impossible to force anyone. You can just give your opinion, tell that you're okay/not okay with this or this subject. You can just influence the people around you in the good sense, or in the bad way.
    Condamn ? Insult ? Did I ever say that condaming or insulting persons like that is a good thing to do ? No, not me, and no one else here did tell this.
    But for me to agree to this kind of behavior will be really hard.

    nicadareas August 18, 2016 2:26 pm
    I wonder how many doors are needed to be open untill some people will be satisfied with the idea of tolerance.And this comes from a tolerant person that I think I am.If homosexuality is okay nowadays for many c... YaoiSanctuary

    You completely missed my point. The homosexuality thing was just used as an example for what I was trying to say. As far as the condemning and insulting thing, I was referring to the beginning of this entire discussion and the use of the term "slut". By no means have I attacked anyone specifically. I do completely agree with your comment about parents not even being able to force their children. It's fairly amusing, because I had almost this exact conversation with my son a couple years ago. I told him that I could not force how to think. All I could do was tell him my opinion and hope that he thought about it enough to come up with his own. I would rather him do that than just parrot what I or his friends tell him. There is one instance where an opinion can be forced onto others, though. That is when it becomes a law. Just because something is law doesn't make it right (i.e. just like how gay marriage was against the law until recently). This is a prime example of how morals and belief systems change over time, though.

    purplehairr February 7, 2017 6:03 am
    There are 12-14 years old kids over here, so as an adult I have to say the correct point of view. Don't sleep with someone in the bathroom or anyone just anyone. Once you've grown up do whatever the heck you wa... @Anonymous

    Wtf are kids doing here in the first place? Yaoi is not for kids! Those warnings are not for show!

ilovekei August 12, 2016 7:43 pm

I found it funny how it escalated so quickly but honestly im glad it turned out this way, and i kinda saw it coming cause of the way chihayas friend was acting on the 1st chap... he obviously liked him

ilovekei June 16, 2016 5:31 pm

the healthiest couple is mikami and yoshinaga from 9.5... also atsumu deserves better

ilovekei June 15, 2016 4:29 pm

pls buy some lube

    Lost-Fudanshi June 16, 2016 3:35 am

    Haha, yeah reading this is painful, ah straight people thinking spit works well enough as a back door lube.... Omg no. :.O..

ilovekei June 14, 2016 5:12 pm

i think 'the secret' that rogi is not telling his daughter is that she is adopted which she already knows but wants to hear it from him, and im pretty sure his daughter wont turn out to be a boy and theyd run off to the sunset together which would be pretty fucked up PPL!!! lol

    Naïve Drifter June 14, 2016 8:32 pm

    I was thinking more along the line that he somehow(similar to) kidnapped her from another guy that he once liked... Lol

ilovekei June 6, 2016 12:27 am

i needed more of Emilio and the priest

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